How to turn a pigeon problem to your benefit

in #ecology6 years ago (edited)

It is generally accepted that pigeons can become a serious problem to people living in cities due to the large amount of droppings that they leave behind them. These droppings may contain parasites and infect humans. So they can be a major health risk. 

On the other hand, pigeons are adored and fed by people in parks, as they are an excellent attraction for both kids and adults. 

Image originally uploaded by eimee rivers on and reused under Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0) Creative Commons License

Is there any way to have the best of both worlds, i.e. eliminate the bad things that come with a growing pigeon population and enjoy some sort of benefit at the same time? 

The answer could be yes, and could hide in the same droppings that are the core of the problem. 

Since pigeons leave such a large amount of droppings behind them, rather than trying to repel and get rid of them, why not try an alternative solution? 

By all means, this is not an actual solution to the problem that refers to an increasing number of pigeons on your balcony, in the sense of keeping them away. 

This solution is based on the approach of leaving them grow naturally, let’s say, on your balcony. Because, there is a way to turn the pigeon problem into a real blessing, believe or not! 

This can be achieved by taking advantage of pigeon droppings, rather than throwing them away and trying to eliminate them. As simple as that! 

Pigeon droppings can become an excellent fertilizer, the famous “pigeon guano” (guano manure), as it contains valuable nutrients for plants. Once you leave it to digest a bit, you can collect it, and use it on any plants on your balcony or in your garden.  

You can wath the video below on how to use pigeon manure as a fertilizer for your plants

In this way, you let nature do its own job so that you can make use of all the subsequent benefits as a human, and see your plants flourish by using a natural, nutrient-rich, and literally cost-free fertilizer. 

This is a perfect “green” way to fertilize your plants, as you take part in the food chain simply by “recycling” waste from one living organism to be used as food by another one. 


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Thank you very much for your upvote and comment!

That's a nice way to utilize the pigeon droppings!

Yes, it's funny how positive thinking and nature itself can help in finding simple ecological solutions to problems such as pigeon droppings, which are otherwise viewed in a very negative light.
Thank you for you comment and upvote!

You're welcome. And it's really nice to find a use to something that most people think of as something negative. I'm sure there are lots of other things we could utilize instead of just throw away!

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