The Eclipse in a light flare, crescent shadows and a sunset in the daytime with a hidden sun
In the world that we live in, we are more interested in the filming and video-ing the events that we go to and the special moments we are witness too rather than actually experiencing them. So for the eclipse this year, I decided I wasn't going to take out my big bulky camera and try and catch the perfect shot or video, but rather just experience the one the greatest moments in the universe that we as human beings can actually see. I did take a few shots before the totality on my cellphone but didn't for one second take my eyes off the totality to look at a screen.
I guess my attitude/decision was rewarded by way of the few pictures I took with my cellphone being spectacular !
In the first image, I managed to catch the partial eclipse at the start of the process in a light flare.. (the little blue crescent)
The second and third images are actually images of the shadows coming through the trees that are all crescent shaped thanks to the eclipse. This was totally fascinating.
The final image is the near sunset like sky that happened on the opposite horizon when we were approaching the totality.
Quite a treat it was !
You make it look easy!