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RE: Happy Late Easter ~ A Doodle-Egg Coloring Project For The Artistically Inclined ~ Original Art By Other Than Myself ~ Original Everything Else ~

in #eastereggdoodleart7 years ago (edited)

Hello dd! What a marvelous Easter ramble that post was, and like always, I truly enjoyed it.

Your parents were such brave souls, hiding the eggs in the house! Wow!

Tonight's comment will be rather brief I am afraid, got called in to the local book repository to cover for a sick co-worker.

Also, I need to go find my Tudor ruff and too small bowler hat, for I need to master the look that is, "uncertain disdain." Going to add that bit to my confusion repertoire for tomorrow's shift! You are awesome!


So very glad you enjoyed it. Sorry you have to run off to fill in. Such is the life of the all-important 'brarian.
I suppose there might be other descriptors for the parents hiding the eggs in the house, but we won't go there. Maybe it was on account of the weather.

I'll keep this short, as you are now working. But glad to see you keeping up with the C.R., the ever important diversionary device. Thank you so much for the compliment. Really appreciate it. Have a good night at the repository.

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