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RE: Dig it Up, Live it Up - Earthship Sustainable Building

in #earthships7 years ago

Thank you! Well i originally got the earthship bug back in 2001 when i lived in Brighton, UK. I initiated the first UK project with a bunch of people all very passionate and we built Earthship Brighton. Then after many years of travelling and life's winding paths.. several countries.. and a lot of dreaming.. I finally decided to build my Earthship in India.. I think India probably chose me, or i was here in some previous lives.. All i can say is that this is one country that just all makes sense to me..

Where we live its also basically on the edge of a mountain in SOuth India.. The location is pretty stunning really, miles from anywhere and surrounded by nature, trees, streams and all those lovely things! Being off grid here is actually the ONLY option! lol.

We are very lucky with water here.. We have a few springs high up above us that we use.. it has loads of head and so high pressure without any need of pumps and power.. I do have a big 50,000 litre rain water harvested tank underground but so far i havent had to use it.

its all a Long story really! I have spent SO many years now teaching, building, and trying to get the word out to people. SLowly some traction is coming but it is slow.

My dream is to co-create and build a small Earthship community somewhere.. I think when done well it can be a great way to live ..


Sweet, thanks for the info. It's a great setup and view, awesome!

Where do you want to build an earthship community if not where you are? You're going to move??? lol

thats SUCH a good question~ actually i dont really know ;-)
and i still have some fundraising to do before i really need to know..
Im pretty open .. it could be anywhere in Europe, or even India.. or who know's where!

where i am didnt really work out as a community. It would have been nice and was always my hope for where I am.. but that was not meant to be! Still i learned a heck of lot about building and working out here.. i self built this Earthship with zero experience and loads of volunteers and a few semi skilled locals... and, it worked!

No community because people don't have the money to do it? Or they don't see the point?

yes! the first one! ive met and taught hundreds if not more people who would LOVE to do this if it werent for money and .. courage!

I have seen this everywhere and so my plan is to use co-creation and a very smart plan to create home for people with almost no buy in. They also wont own this as the land and property would be held in a not for profit trust. That way it prevents people buying and selling etc.. It would really be aimed at people who do want to get out of this system but just need to be a part of a group doing the same..

I managed to self build on my own, but it was too hard.. its a common theme! Doing these things as a harmonious group really makes all the difference. WHen ive done it like that the magic starts to happen. I had carpenters form UK coming to help me in India turning up with a suitcase full of tools.. ready to work for weeks on end for no pay.. It can really be an amazing thing when done with the right purpose and greater good kind of attitude.

I guess that would need to be in a less costly place, unlike the Western world? To build so many...

Well not really.. especially in Europe! Land can be VERY cheap if you choose the right place such as Spain, Portugal, Greece.. They are beautiful places..

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