Practice Unconditional Love vs. Conditional Love

in #earthnation7 years ago (edited)

To Love unconditionally is to be - not bound in our ability to love by experience or circumstance. To love unconditionally is to be unwavering in one’s ability to BE Love, giving and receiving freely.

love self- unconditionally.jpg

Is Unconditional Love <3 as human experience possible?

Many will say no, and I believe this to be upper limit programming!

Yes! Unconditional Love is possible.

AND It is the fabric of our being. I believe it is our destiny as masters in progress.

And choosing Love without conditions is a practice. Let's begin to understand what conditions are.

What are conditions?

I Love you when you do this for me
I Love you only if you fulfill my expectations
I Love you only when I love myself
I Love you only when you are happy
I Love you if you don’t love another
I love you if you only say relevant to me things
I love you only if you feed my ego
I love you only if you serve me
I love you at this time and place

It's great to simply be aware of the above conditions, to begin to check our actions. Do you waver in how you love, based on how you or the other is showing up? Could you hold steadfast in Love no matter what the reflection is?

One way to practice this is to say - to your self - in your mind to the Other, I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU. Feel this statement to be real in your being. It may be hard at first. With time your heart will soften, and the I LOVE YOU will become real and true in your being.

An important step to loving others unconditionally is to choose YOU.
Begin by choosing to love yourself unconditionally, with acceptance and compassion.
Release the inner critic, the judgments of not being good enough or unworthy, and choose self-love. Remember you are Perfect LOVE.

To get started with the intention of loving unconditionally, set the tone, and prime the day in Love by declaring:

“By the power of divine grace, today I am a channel and witness to the embodiment of Unconditional Love. Show me in this body how to see and feel, speak and act in unconditional Love. Show Me! Show me how to love without attachments or fear."

Flowering of Divine Unification by Morgan Manley

Another step towards loving unconditionally is to love with healthy boundaries. This is a practice of living in right relations, meeting ourselves where we are at and creating peace in our relationships.

Here are some examples of loving with healthy boundaries:

I Love you and I need to take personal space
I Love you and I’d like you to support me more with the kids
I Love you and I need more time before we move in together
I Love you and I prefer to be with you when you have not been drinking
I Love you and I need you to let me finish speaking before you reply

This is a practice of getting our needs met, and being honest, authentic, and strengthening our ability to be empowered loving beings. Speaking our truth is important and necessary.

Here's to MORE LOVE in all the ways! Unconditionally Loving, to rise and fall in Love with it all. It's BIG WORK!

As we face the shadows of our collective being, we learn to love our most wounded places, and forgive the darkest of nights and most painful of experience in self and the other. Shall we lay down our swords, release the fight inside and the conditions of fear that divide us?

Could we hold the presence and power of unconditional love and compassion in our gaze and attention, in our words and actions?

Remember beloveds that we are The Forgiving. And We are For Giving Love. Today we Love More. Together we amplify and multiply the Power and Truth of Love, soothing the whole world like the sweet loving embrace of a newborn babe in her mother’s arms.

I LOVE YOU, Ananda Lila*Star


Beautiful post @lilastar. I know this is possible too. I say now unconditional love is a state of being. It isn't a feeling or judgment it just is. State of being in harmony with all that is letting all be who and what they are.

I think that it's easy to forget that loving unconditionally doesn't mean there are no boundaries. I used to think that, and it made me question if its possible to love unconditionally. But you can, and although there may be conditions on what you need, it doesn't take away from the love that you can give.

I really enjoyed these great words of wisdom @lilastar. Thank you for sharing :)

Thank you for providing loving healthy boundaries in this post as well. Those are major keys :)

Now that boosts are back. Remember to use the protcol in the comments.

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This is beautiful! It activated something in me when I read it and I softend up.

Great article! I think it's important to love others for who they are, e.g. I love you for you.

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