DAO Culture: Co-Creation Technology and Win Win Win's

in #earthnation7 years ago (edited)

Here at the Earth Nation we’re all about the DAO!

Let’s peer into this empowering method of manifestation and cultural architecture.

A DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) is a new paradigm way of conducting business or running a project - i.e making your and others' dreams come true! I say this from the beginning because a DAO is about Re-generosity on all levels. We've left the "take and make waste" model for greener and happier pastures.


As a Win Win Win Earth Nation creator, I dwell in a powerful "new paradigm" rising business trend of organizational culture empowerment. Embodying DAO principles is like rocking any Manifestation type in a more human - heart centered - loving and YES I believe Will of the Divine way.

Let us use the best of what has been layed before in traditional business with contracts, a focus on efficiency and customer service, and merge it with the evolution and social innovations of our time, where councils replace singular leaders, and purpose and passion replace indentured servitude.

To be clear, it’s good to know that others may talk about smart contracts and the blockchain which also use DAO structuring for computing. It's convenient to have a permaculture/new paradigm social architect community (our kind of DAO) walking side by side with the blockchain and the rise of an economic revolution. Yes! Its underway.

DAO DAO DAO! What’s a DAO? Let's not get too hung up on the name, though for definition, for communing with the word for our benefit here as conscious purveyors of a new paradigm, let's go a bit deeper.

Decentralized = ways of incorporating a balance of power and rise in empowerment of your collective, whether that be you and one other, or a whole sovereign nation! Not one person is in charge simply put.

Autonomous = having the ability and {responsibility} to self-govern. Autonomy is empowering and freeing. Autonomy lifts the human into a more adept state of living or governing one’s thoughts, actions, and creates space for the musings of one's higher purpose to call one into motivated action towards fulfillment.

And Organization is well - an intentional way to form a team or group around a common goal.

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On to the beauty and magic of DAO thinking and organization!

Today I want to share a little about the aspect called CO-CREATION.

I’m a bit of a co-creation technology geek. I host workshops - called playshops where we come together to learn more efficient and fun ways to work together, share our gifts, source solutions, serve our mission from the High Heart, and all succeed - ie. PROFIT.

P.s. In this DAO arena, profit, is not relegated only to financial gains. In a true wealth economy, profit is so much more. Profit can be connections, open doorways, vetted reputation, access to other profits, a space to live, access to resources, goods, expertise, community and love. We’re more fluid, holistic, and Heart Profit oriented. Money honey is just a tool. WE are the True Abundance.

I think of the High Heart as the place beyond ego, and personal desires - that is smarter - than anyone of us, and has all of our best interests in mind - or at heart. We say Win Win Win or for the mutual benefit of all. Now that’s true servant leadership or business.

autumn skye artchakra-art-heart-chakra.jpg
Art by Autumn Skye

Co-Creation 101 : Here are the Basics

  1. Orienting = a powerful method of communing with the moment - in space and place

  2. Active Listening = holding the field for best contribution - not thinking what you will say next

  3. Listening into the Center = discovering our common needs and the big Yes for all

  4. Whole body Tuning = being present centered in the heart. We make sure to keep the blood flowing, and shake, walk around, change places and formations to spark new connections and receive wisdom from our whole being.

  5. Honoring Diversity = Seeing each participant as an equal gift with a unique offering

  6. Releasing Emotional Charges = employing a field culture of compassion and support vs. right and wrong and ego

  7. The Power of Inquiry = Asking questions on intent and Why? Why? Why?

  8. Yes AND = providing your opinion or offering with the best chance of reception

  9. Reflecting Listening = repeating back what was expressed for full understanding

  10. Circle Culture = Is our structure for the meeting about me? Or us?

Productive positive supportive relating is KEY to any DAO

Alot of the above pieces are about RELATING. For where two or more are gathered….It’s all about co-creation.

A spiritual teacher Bhagavan bringer of the Oneness University and Deeksha begins with two fundamental teachings - He says, "ALL Life is Awareness", and "ALL Life is Relationships". I like spiritual teachings that are all inclusive, and meet the common ground of most folks, like what can we all agree on!

To be a good DAO or successful enterprise, our relationship with everything from - the present moment to our mind, our feelings, decisions, perspectives, actions, connections, desires, needs, dreams is far enhanced with the remembrance of Awareness! Conscious choosing, rather than unconscious programming. Let's just say it's a better way of doing and BEING the Gifts of your "Masterpiece" .

So Awareness is very KEY for productive DAO methodology. And we know Meditation is the best way to become more aware.

That’s good for now. More on DAOism to come!

With 18 years of new paradigm experience and a Masters degree in Strategic Leadership for Sustainability, I consult you and your team in the mechanics and culture of a DAO. I also facilitate DAO new paradigm teachings for you in person (Fly me to the moon ;-) or over Video calls. New organization or old, I meet you and your team where you are at, learn your direction and goals, and provide you with the most strategic leverage point awareness, knowledge, and tools for you to take impactful steps towards thriving in all you came to be.

And, what’s more... Imagine sourcing the genius of your collective and having the digital support tools to do so.

Earth Nation has been working diligently - designing, testing and employing better systems of wealth distribution, decision making, and organization for DAO's to thrive. We will soon be launching our replicable systems for anyone to use! We go Beta January 2nd! Come onboard and help shape a world we can all be proud of us with us.

I Love You, Lila*Star


Fascinating new dawn of the golden age, let the status quo die. Long live Steemit and decentralization!

And so it is <3

I'm intrigued by this project of yours. Looking forward to seeing what positive changes come from your work. 😊🙏🏽☯️

Yes. TY Peter. We are excited about the ripening of this time. if you follow @earthnation as well, more revealings will follow!

great explanation Lila! shared this post to all social media platforms for you...

Thank you. What a gift.

So firstly i see a strong need for logic and retoric here. Meaning the text is missusing words resulting in confusion opf meaning. I.E the use of the word profit to mean what it is not.
Profit does indeed mean largly financial gains in various forms. Why even use profit when its clear to me that the messege speaks of success, friendship and benefit. (Trivium education)
Isnt it all about setting goals and aiming for success as opose to win or loose ?(seeing as for someone to win, it implies someone else lost)

Some other feedback on the basics:
1: space implies place does it not?
2: In the art of communication; does not the communicator requier a feedback from the listener to what he/she listened to, for the communicator to know the messege was accuratly receaved?
7: Totally agree, asking why leads to understanding, and its understanding that leads us foreward into knowledge and wisdome.
8: providing and opinion as a feedback needs the option of "no, becasue..." Otherwise its doomed to involve lies and "nicitus" ( being nice in fear of rejection and negaativity).

"That’s good for now. More on DAOism to come" why -ism? do we even need ism's ? isnt that just another form of sentalisation?

Desentralisation is key to future endevors yes keep on the work with NewEarthNation. Its one of manny positive organisations that takes part in changing this world towards the positive.

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