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RE: DAO Culture: Co-Creation Technology and Win Win Win's

in #earthnation7 years ago

So firstly i see a strong need for logic and retoric here. Meaning the text is missusing words resulting in confusion opf meaning. I.E the use of the word profit to mean what it is not.
Profit does indeed mean largly financial gains in various forms. Why even use profit when its clear to me that the messege speaks of success, friendship and benefit. (Trivium education)
Isnt it all about setting goals and aiming for success as opose to win or loose ?(seeing as for someone to win, it implies someone else lost)

Some other feedback on the basics:
1: space implies place does it not?
2: In the art of communication; does not the communicator requier a feedback from the listener to what he/she listened to, for the communicator to know the messege was accuratly receaved?
7: Totally agree, asking why leads to understanding, and its understanding that leads us foreward into knowledge and wisdome.
8: providing and opinion as a feedback needs the option of "no, becasue..." Otherwise its doomed to involve lies and "nicitus" ( being nice in fear of rejection and negaativity).

"That’s good for now. More on DAOism to come" why -ism? do we even need ism's ? isnt that just another form of sentalisation?

Desentralisation is key to future endevors yes keep on the work with NewEarthNation. Its one of manny positive organisations that takes part in changing this world towards the positive.

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