Today I was asked...

in #early6 years ago (edited)

..."Would you like to check out our Christmas craft decor also, you can get it now a bit cheaper?"

I felt nauseous and said:
-I can't. I just can't.

I mean, it's 8th of October.
Freaking 8TH OF OCTOBER!

Winter may be coming but Christmas? No! Not yet!

I have nothing against Christmas, this pretend holiday based on a fictional character who may or may not been alive at some point but whose life story is just a bunch of weird sentences heard through broken phone or a bad walkie-talkie connection and gathered together by people who took only those parts that suited their needs and perception at that time.

No, I have nothing against Christmas.

How could you think that?

How could I think bad things about a short season when some people send Christmas cards or Facebook messages to wish happy holidays to people who they don't even remember exist on any other day? Who think one Christmas greeting will save all those lonely people who are thinking of killing themselves more than 300 days in an year just because they are lonely.

How could I think bad things about that short commercialized Christmas holiday when buy, spend and consume are the only words that are repeated over and over again as if there's no tomorrow? All the trash that comes from cheap and expensive stuff that are bought because the admen said so. Spend, spend, spend! Use, use, use! More, more, more! Trash, trash, trash!

How could I think bad things about that wonderful time when people say it's okay not to buy presents because it's the thought that counts and any immaterial present is way better than some stuff or crap that's wrapped in plastic, and you can see that they are lying?

How could I think bad things about that incredibly beautiful season that gives so much stress to people who can't spend it as they like, not stressing and not doing ten times more than they usually do, because someone has decided that Christmas is the time when one has to pretend to live in a spotless, squeaky clean and perfectly decorated house, buy present's more than they can afford and prepare food for 100 people for the next 10 years?

How could I think that?


I should print that to a T-shirt.

Photo: CC BY-SA


Hahaa! I feel your pain!

Every year Christmas comes earlier to the shops so there's bound to be that day when Christmas is all year long!

On the other hand, I've always wondered about the fact how quickly the Christmas market ends for instance in Tampere, maybe on the 20th day, when if you go to Tallinn, there's Christmas market still at epiphany. <-- (Weird word. This was the first time I've used this.) Loppiainen. And I've always thought Christmas time is about a week before Christmas eve and one week after. I do enjoy Christmas time if it's about seeing people, having time, peacefulness and lots and lots of different lights in the dark.

Well, not in modern day society. Not here in Tampere or Finland.

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Hehe, you should. You definitely should :D

One problem though. Wearing that T-shirt one should always sit with a straight back or the T-shirt could say:

Which is fine, but what if it had couple of wrinkles in all the wrong places, and it would say:

That would be horrible.

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