
It's a nice place to see how you are doing progress wise. I am somewhat slow at progressing, but I will get there slow and steady. Have you visited Ashers League of Excellence yet? He provides a tracking service on comments post and a few other things along with engagement rewards for the to 10 and then a small stipend for the next ten who do not self vote for the week. A pretty nice service, I haven't been on the curation list in some time, due to moving and delegating SP here and there. Here is a link to last Sundays report, real simple to join just say so in the commetns and he will add you and track numbers for you -

Thanks for the tip. I hadn't heard of Ashers League of Excellence. I'll check it out.

Thanks for the referral buddy!

Not a problem, I like the tracking, knowing where and what I have done, I thought they might like it also since they use the minnow league to track progress.

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