
4 to 1 ha ha. There's some confidence

If you're so sure you should offer 100 to 1. Q's still at 143.57. It's 5 to 1 now. I know you're too skeerd. Pick another one. WTW? SLV will likely end up at least a break even trade but I don't like the fact that it's selling off after a sell signal. Still targeting 14.43 be eggzact.

Just pick a ticker so I can kick your ass. You asked about FAZ a few daze ago. Want to trade that head to head. Just do SOMETHING even though you are going to be wrong! LOL

Frazzled much? lol Nerves are frayed eh. Ego taking a farking beating like your TLT, USO SLV GBTC....oh fark I get tired of repeating all the fukk ups. You're the best though

Howzabout if I rescue you from your sorry ass STMP trade? You're already getting your ass kicked...what's another $50 when you are already down $8K? LOL

oh shite look at PCLN and GBTC Sweet Sweet Jesus your tlt and now your QQQ's going to zero. Don't worry we'll just forget about those gems

You need to go find someone else to tussle with. You aren't even close to being in my league. Your "lucky" I'm "nice" enough to spew out trades "live!" so that you can finally start making $$$ after being a fukkin loser for who knows how many years. The fact that you haven't once offerd a gift of appreciation shows what a cheap sumbeitch you are. Save your money you pos.

Don't look now but you're taking another kick to the face in UGAZ. Man u really are a 1st class fark up

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