SNAP! Have Troubles Loading Dtube Videos In The Chrome Browser? There is a solution!

in #dtubesnap6 years ago (edited)

From what I know, this is a known issue amongst Chrome browser users. Sometimes, if not most of the times. Trying to load Dtube videos in Chrome is a pain in the... I have been dealing with this for a while now but yesterday @hashcash told me about getting the Brave browser and watching them from there. IT WORKS! The videos load perfectly.

Download the Brave browser from their official website: here

The reason Dtube videos won't load propperly for some Chrome users is because of AdBlock and/or Poper Blocker

If you have any of those two extensions be sure to disable them and the videos should load up normally.

If it still doesn't work though, even after disabling them. Try disabling the rest of the extensions you have, one by one, to find out which one is causing troubles.

Hope you found this useful and that you now, you won't be banging your head on the wall anymore, because of the infinite loading times.

▶️ DTube

I'm also a huge user of the BRAVE browser. I have been politicking to see about having our #steem feeds added to publishers rewards too. No word back yet.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yep, brave could be a revolution that knocks back Chrome to the ground. That would be great and isee no reason why they wouldn't add it. They would instantly get thousands of steemians using it.

This was an adventure... I was getting dizzy lol but you almost hit the 1 minute mark this time eheheh 🙂

haha thanks! Don't think I'll ever get exactly 1 min 😂

Just keep trying 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

Using Yandex - The adblocker needs disabling as you discovered. The browser you mention is also a

Haven't heard of that one yet. Do you know why adblocker causes this issue even though we don't have any ads whatsoever?

Not a clue mate. I realised this while on BitChute yesterday. It possibly has to do with the streaming method, torrenting/distribution but if disabling the blocker works, then I think that's enough for now.

if disabling the blocker works, then I think that's enough for now.

hahah I completely agree with you on that 😂

Damn thumbnail..... Not sure why it got cut out like that. The size of the original image was 1700x800

Does anyone know a better size for a thumbnail? I don't want my future thumbs to get cut out like this.

I'll check out one of the two solutions, thanks for the tip.

Nice chemtrails in the background.

just kidding about nice :)

Np :D

You wouldn't believe how hard they sprayed today. What you saw is just a tiny bit of it. Shiets disgusting!

Can't believe how many people are still blind to this.

Yes, they were very active here as well, criss crossing everywhere.

I wonder what needs to happen before people wake up to this?

Do they need to spray acid on us? I can imagine that even with chemical burns and a criss crossed sky, the sheeple would still be wondering what caused it.

If only we could put an end to this. I'm sick and tired of watching this shit every single day.

I don't know, maybe when a meteorologist comes out and says these aren't condesation trails :)

He would have to be prepared to lose his job of course because that's career suicide.

I'm sick of seeing this shit too.

Well, they aren't hiding it any more. Nor are they calling it a conspiracy theory any more.

They even admitted it on national tv many times, worldwide.

It's even on wikipedia

Some just can't connect the dots. I wonder if they are blind or retarded.

Very quick and very smart solution. Thank you so much.

Glad you found it helpful!

I thought there was something wrong with dtue, didnt know that...

Ive been wating dtube vids on busy for a while now cause they never used to load

Me too, for months.

I felt like such a fool when I realized the issue is on Chrome, lol
Could have saved myself a lot of time and nerves.

Hello friend I used Chrome for Dtube upload before. Found more errors there. Then after I never use Chrome browser. Mozilla Firefox I used. It's not errors found yet.

That's good to know. I'm not a big fan of Mozilla though. Like Brave much better. Try it out if you still haven't .The user experience is so clean and pleasant.

I used chrome on my android phone and fortunately i did not get any hiccups uploading my first video. Will keep this in mind though should I encounter the same issue later.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yep, that's because you most likely don't have adblock on the phone. Try installing it and see how it messes up Dtube loading times.

i LOVE brave...on my laptop..and my iphone!!! game CHANGER!!! invested in BAT also!!!! yeeeeehawwww!

Yea, Brave is a great browser. I have been using it for a while now and have no complaints about it. Oh ye, and it loads faster :D

BAT is a good one to keep but, I'm not investing in it until they give Steemians the ability to become verified creators.

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