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RE: The True WORK Lies In Facing Our FEAR [D.SOUL with @axios]

in #dtubedaily6 years ago

Hi,dear @axios ^-^! This is the first your video that I watched :)!

And you know what?
I think you're very cute , sincere, emotional and a true ^-^! I was glad not only to read your interesting words here,but look at you :)!

And I really like your thoughts!I like your ideas and I agree with you about the fear and comfort zone!

We can really go beyond our comfort zones,to go where our fear lives. But then we will see that this is a very interesting and useful place filled with resources and new features ! And then our comfort zone will simply become more and more diverse! I'm right now going through this! Thank you for reminding me about these things

I'm glad I found someone with whom I am on the same wave now :) it makes me happy ;)!

Continue to record new videos, they inspire and motivate!!


(omg @happyolly thinks I'm cute.) :P

I love this comment :) It makes me feels so good! Sometimes making these types of videos is difficult and I wonder if it's worth sharing. So these kind of comments always make me feel a lot better about it :)

Going beyond fear certainly is an interesting and useful space to be. Quite literally way more interesting than anything else, just a bit more stressful at times haha.

I hope you stay true to your heart and keep moving forward regardless of the fear / uncomfortable things you are feeling.

Thank you again for sharing this @happyolly it is always such a pleasant surprise :)

^-^ ^-^ ^-^

I know that recording these videos and sharing your thoughts so simply and sincerely it's not easy! It really exit the comfort zone :)!
( trust me, I have this experience, so I understand you now very well 0.о ! )

But it's courage and it's inspiring :)

Thank you for being out of the comfort zone for us @axios :) !

Aw you're just oodles of goodness haha thank you Olly :) xoxo

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