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RE: DTube Daily Vlog: Steem Won, Let's Celebrate! We Celebrated by Going On a Date!

in #dtubedaily6 years ago (edited)

I too actually did a mental calculations about how many users we have and the correlation with the amount of final votes.
Yeah I think not many are as participative perhaps in the beginning. Let's not give up hope. Perhaps through this experience, those who didn't participate see something too. May they be enlightened. Maybe some are more apprehensive and not believing in this platform as much yet but perhaps it's just a matter of time and a change of perspectives. I am thankful for people like your kind self who rallied people to vote and do their part. That's very inspiring! It's easier to not believe that to believe, I personally think. Well sometimes it's the other way round too, haha. But it's because of people like you who dare to believe and stand on what you believe, we have the very first little achievement today :) Thank you for your constructive self and comments too!

Posted using Partiko Android


Let's not give up hope.

I would never do that :D I'm only here to inspire positive movements and try to do whatever I can to help this place grow. Many users have woken up to this and more will start following this path.

It is exaxctly this notion of doing something as a community that would be impossible for an individual to achieve on their own, that makes me believe that Steem must achieve massive success in the future.

One of us couldn't move a 200kg heavy rock but together, we can pyramids bigger than the Egyptians.

Yay, I am with you! Let's do that together, @runicar. Your passion is contagious :D

Posted using Partiko Android

Just wait till I finally come to @dtube and start spreading it there :D

It's been such a long time since I first wanted to join and I think that I'm finally ready. Now I just need to make a few videos first, to get ahead of myself. Because I already make a lot of content and participate in many other time consuming Steem based activities :D

It was nice chatting with you and meeting a like-minded individual here. Let's create more of us with our content and encourage as much positive activity as we can!

Cya around @happycrazycon

The pleasure is mine. I would definitely love to watch your videos too. Come on onboard and I started off with videos not showing my face Hahah. Then #dtubesnap by @nathanmars helped me to get my face in and now as I get more comfortable, I try to do longer videos. I have followed you and anticipating contents from you. I will be ready to welcome you when you come on board. We need you, @runicar :)

I'm not shy or anything like that. Had other issues that I couldn't get over but yes! @nathanmars is one of the biggest reasons I will jump into @dtube now. His idea for #dtubesnap is a great gateway to @dtube.

Love the idea and will be doing many snaps because they are the perfect length for peoples, nowadays very small attention span.

The other person that tipped me over the edge about dtube is @theycallmedan If you still havent seen him, I highly suggest you check out some of his videos. He is a wealth of knowledge and a great motivator/speaker.

Thank you for the warm welcome even before I joined :D

Okay I will check this guy that you recommend out!! Thanks @runicar! :)

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