"Project B" + I've spent 1 month on Dtube and this is what I have learned (1/29/2018)

in #dtubedaily6 years ago (edited)

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Today I realized that I have been on Steemit/Dtube for 1 whole month!! I talk about my experience over the last month starting at 2:04.

I would like to give a special shout-out to @neeqi @myndnow and @phoneinf the three of you have made the last month very special for me.

I would also like to say thank you to each of the 60 people who have followed my vlog. Your time and attention mean the world to me, and I will never take it for granted.

I have to wake up early for class tomorrow so I am going to end this post here.

see you in the comments!


▶️ DTube

Hey, I'm giving away up to 1 LTC ...
It's a survey ...
Question : What's your portfolio look like? ...
To answer: check out my steemit blog ...

and read and respond to the post titled:
"Crypto Journal Log ((( Survey :: 1 LTC Reward :: Portfolio :: 1.29.18:10.12p )))"

Thanks for sharing your feelings. Waiting for your next posts.

I'm also very curious how this service will scale in terms of the community. Clearly it works pretty great right now but will it work the same with 10X more people that is a very interesting question. The reason why it works so well right now and is calm is probably because everyone feel they get what they want. It satisfy people's specific niche interest much better than other platforms.

You may have a super small reach but it's super targeted like an epic email marketing campaign. And it's no middle hands so it creates more trust and faith that things will just work out when you allow people to run things on their own.

It does feel a bit like a fantasy but when I look at intelligent Elon Musk talking about abundance and that it's coming for all then I know that this is actually the real deal! A bit scary in a way now since now even the smartest people on earth is getting paranoid of what AI may do if we aren't careful.

He was talking about "what would be the meaning". I think the meaning may be to just give and share to others. Sharing and giving economy. Since that makes you feel good! But can you do that forever or will eventually an AI robot be able to do that instead that is a good question.

Congrats on 1 month on Steemit! I'm so glad I was able to come across your account @elima and that we have had a nice chance to connect. I completely agree that the community is such a valuable asset to the platform and I hope that we can maintain it as the masses move in. I really can't predict the future but all I know is that if I want to keep the community the way it is, I have to continue to be a leading example of that to others. We will see! Do you have much interest in photography outside of school and would you ever share any of your photos?

Hey brother!! I'm really happy for your road thus far and I'm really glad that you have enjoyed it this far ma man! It is my pleasure to be connecting with you brother and the reason why I invited you to our group is because I think that this way we can all support each other because as a group we are always stronger.

I want to know what your goal is on steemit and dtube btw?

Winny out...for now ;)

PS: I'm looking forward to your photography!

Hey, we're wading through the learning curve as well. Congrats on yesterday's win.

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