The Heroic Virtues

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

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The 9 noble virtues or "Hero Virtues" which I prefer to call them are old virtues taken from Norse mythology.

People that honored the Norse gods like the old Germanic tribes and Vikings for example lived by those virtues and they always did their best and more to strictly follow those virtues.
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The 9 Noble Virtues

A virtue that most people don't know anymore. Nowadays it is courageous and masculine to be "sensitive and tearful". The west is completely feminized. So what does courage mean?

Courage means to something which you think is right when it is difficult or dangerous. To remain strong in the face of grief or pain.

To be valorous in dark times or in the face of fear. That is courage. What I personally do when I feel afraid is to remember that courage is a virtue and that glory, booty and riches can only be attained by being courageous.

Example: A stranger slaps your mother out of the sudden. You tear that motherfucker up, even when you feel afraid because he is taller & stronger than you. He has chosen the wrong mother to slap -> TIME FOR BLOODSHED.

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Truth means to not only say the truth but to live in accordance with fact and reality. It means sincerity in action, character and utterance.

Being free of pretense, deceit or hypocrisy. Being honest with yourself and to others.

A person that lives without truth must never be trusted.

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Honor means to live after the 9 noble virtues. It means to feel pride for living after those virtues.

It also means to not piss on the name of your family and to not gossip about people. I avoid people that gossip like the fucking plague because at some point you start doing it as well if you spend too much time with them.

And people that gossip will also gossip about you - never forget that.

Tricks to avoid gossip: 1. Say straightforward that you don't gossip. 2. Say positive things about people even when you hate them. 3. Switch topics.
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Fidelity is the faithfulness to a person, cause, or your mission which is demonstrated by loyalty and support to those things. To never turn your damn back on your those.

It is the quality of being faithful and maintaining a firm adherence to one's own moral values & the heroic virtues.

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Discipline is the suppression of base desires with restraint and with a lot of self-control. Essentially it means to piss on your feelings and do the work even tho you really don't feel like it.

Only with discipline, you will be able to reach your goals, half-ass efforts will lead you nowhere!

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Hospitality is the relationship between a guest and the host. He or she receives the guest with good reception, entertainment, goodwill and protection.

A good host not only provides food and shelter to their guests but he also makes sure that they suffer harm while under their care.

Hospitality doesn't mean to welcome strangers that ring on your door.

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"That is my best because I am a strong & independent woman". Self-reliance means to have your own business and the ability to survive in nature. It means to not require any aid, support or interaction of others for your own survival.

Self-reliance is the state of personal independence. That also means that you do not rely on others for your own happiness.

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Industriousness means to work energetically and devotedly to complete a task in your life with focus and passion. To have a sense of industry and having a work ethic. Industriousness is very similar to discipline.

The difference between industriousness and discipline is that you do the tasks with focus and don't produce low quality work.

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Perseverance means to never give up or surrender, especially when met with difficulty, discouragement or obstacles. To try and try and try again till you fucking reach your goal or destination.

To not lose heart simply because it is hard. To be steadfast and to work with a sense of industry and focus on what you want.

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Don't know why, but reading this and David Bowie's "We can be heros just for one day" starting playing in my head, but with virtues like these, we can be heroes every day.

100% Helen, that is a very good comment.

These are all extremely good values, and values that you can't fake. On the other hand, it's sad that you can't find them easilly throughout today's population.

I would like to add proactivity to the mix, being able to lead one's life without the need of guidance, without the need of external stimuli and more.

Very good post.
Upvoted! Cheers!

You can grab the guidance yourself in the form of books or info on the internet!

Courage! And with our powers combined....

Nevermind the reference.

Courage can be my focus this week. It's one I'm always afraid to confront.

Glory, money, booty & fame is on the other side, always remember that.

A person who lives without truth can never be trusted. - these are golden words.
All the virtues you listed above are very important in terms of morality. Many people neglected them, because in our time there are many tricky and greedy people who are ready to deceive anyone to get their own benefits.
Therefore, to all this you need to be careful and not trust everyone. There must be a narrow circle of people who really will never make you, and with whom you can have a common cause. Well, the main thing under any circumstances, do not drop your hands and give up! While you are still alive, everything can be changed.
This is my opinion ... thank you for the great article

Good comment as always Franklin.

Discipline is something I am trying to improve on a daily basis. Tough stuff but you gotta do what you gotta do!

You will feel pride when you practice those virtues.

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Let your long-term goal be for the life within you – not for your thoughts, not for your emotions, not for society. If your goals based on the life within you, it will be good for everyone, because everyone is just a life.

If you do not appreciate what is good, there is no incentive for anybody to do the right things.

Fantastic post sharing my friend

It was totally a worth reading. i loved it and also you have got some great writing skills too.
A men with all these virtue is a perfect man. i would love see more from you.
Thanks for he share @valorforfreedom Re-steemed for better reach

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