The Effects of Asking for Upvotes, Follows and Resteems & How to Get What you Want

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

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The Straightforward Beggar

Are you one of those people that always ask for upvotes resteems and follows? Then you probably don't read this article, however, I know that some of you will.

I am not pissing all over you because you want to make more money and there is nothing wrong with that. We are all here to make money! Everyone who denies that is a liar for public virtue points.

I never did that because it is begging. It is a matter of dignity, self-respect and pride. By asking for upvotes, resteems and follows you publically humiliate yourself and nobody likes that. Besides that, everybody will know that you have no clue about Steem.

You should also stop tagging the author in the comments. We see the comments and tagging us is a cry for attention -> Like a homeless guy yelling at you to give him money.

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The Lowkey Beggar

These are the sort of people that always tell you "Upvoted you, good article, I am gonna resteem this" and then you never hear from them again.

They often don't even upvote or resteem your post or both. They manipulate you to score some upvotes. Nobody likes these comments.

Nobody likes generalized comments either. Read the damn article and then relate to the article in your comment. This will make sure your comment stands out. And don't tag the damn author or put your link in the comment!

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How to Write Great Comments.jpg

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most novice authors, and often other more experienced, just create a template for the message, and rassilka this pattern everywhere in the hope that someone will go behind them and support them. But it is a losing strategy. There is nothing wrong with what you love the money, but more importantly how you earn them. They can be superficially compared with Internet prostitutes

Over 9000% agree.

yeah I get really annoyed when people do that.
Vote for vote? I feel like did you even read my blog?!
recently I get many message asking for donations too, I wanna burn off lazy ass people.
Yet you are right, asking is free and nothing wrong with that but I have self respect like you 😊
I did not know that adding pic on comment is effective! I will try it here!
Thank you ;)

I must admit I used to do those things before out of ignorance and as a new comer. By now I am more matured as I read along what Steemians post ranging many diverse topics.

Reading this one is good reminder for me. Thank you friend.

Upvote my post with 36 cents, and upvote your own with $1.40. That is a bad tactic.

what do you suggest friend an liked this reply

Just stop it.

There are better comments here in this post. If you want to upvote yourself you create posts.

You basically lowered the visibility of better comments because you upvoted yourself with 1.40, it is rude.

Generally I look down upon people that upvote themselves because it shows me that they give 0 fucks about my article.

They just write some generalized stuff just like you did and then they upvote themselves.

People think it is not a moral thing to do and therefore it is bad practice.

Thanks for your comment. I have no bad intention here and if you feel that way I am very sorry for you. And I apologise if I had hurt you some way or another. lets cool down friend

You did indeed get those types of people commenting on your post. It is sad how people have this inability to read and understand the basic etiquette of Steemit. It is beyond me. They will never realize the full potential of Steemit.

They are always Arabs by the way, rarely Russians.

Oh please up vote me. No! Pretty please? No! Why not? Ok, pretty please with a Cherry on top?...LOL
I only re-steem a post if I think it has value for everyone that may happen upon it and I ignore a comment if it's off topic, a spam bot, or some other mindless entity. Tagging someone's name is ok to do if that individual has a lot of related material for someone else's post, in that case it is perfectly acceptable to send the reader to a blog with good information. I don't know about markdown, I'm doing really well if I do my spelling correctly. Greetings!

Well, I have written my opinion on that in the post. Comment is related to my post and long.

I wonder when people start realizing that this is how you write a solid comment.

I think some people just go down the list when they bring up their feed. They just use the same mindless comment on as many posts as they can in the hope some of them will be answered with a vote. It's a strategy that may be efficient with time (copy&paste), but annoying to an author.

Someone that started Steem 1 month before me is still doing that. I made 4x of what he made so far.

He has no followers that really care, no SBDS in his wallet and no delegations. Just a fucking spammer.

Well, that is the price they pay and that is what the unfollow and mute button are for. I imagine that some try to extract as much as they can this way. It's called churn and burn, when too many folks are on to them they just start a new account or go somewhere else. About 10 years ago I saw something similar with websites, they extracted what they could and when traffic to their site dwindled, they'd just clone a new one and added a different look. Eventually the search engines de-listed them because they were gaming the algorithm to gain ranking.

I like tagging. It's not that I'm trying to get your attention but it's just as close to calling your name and such. I'm not tagging you now because I know y ou don't like it but I'm just letting you know ahead so you won't get pissed. lol

Great point though. I don't really like it when their comments are not related to my post. If you can't say anything that is related to what I've posted then better not say anything.

Great point though. I don't really like it when their comments are not related to my post. If you can't say anything that is related to what I've posted then better not say anything.

100% agree

As far as "don'ts" some of this should be obvious. You shouldn't talk about your own work on someone else's blog. No. 1 is really just a matter of educating the user. It's normal to tag people on Twitter, instagram and a bunch of other sites, so I can see why people would do that here to the author. 4. Generalized comments. I don't see that as a universal don't, but more a personal preference. If someone wants to say "Nice job" on a post, I'm not going to tell them not to, but that's just me. It's more effective be specific I suppose if you want to get paid. But if you approach Steemit like a social network site, then generalized comments are perfectly normal. I could care less if I get upvoted for a comment. I'm here to make comics. Commenting is a way to simply be social have a normal conversation like I would IRL. However, I do agree that an author has the right to create his own rules of etiquette for his page, so I don't have a problem with you making rules as you see fit either.

Sounds like you matured just right. A man has to decide for himself what is right or wrong (in terms of morals & ethics.)

However, some things work better than other things and it takes an open mind to realize and apply that.

If were honest, if you have too many homeless people out begging on a particular side of town, eventually that area in town becomes less attractive and people will avoid it. It's funny how the virtual space of steemit is really no different. It is important to keep it clean. It's funny how steemit is the same way. I'm in agreement that if we don't police the begging to some extent, that the whole place becomes a shithole.

Just like any country without strict immigration laws. Politicians just being PC for cuck Germany to get votes & to keep their power.

Might is right, Germany deserves it.

Anyway, fuck politics.

No, its quite OK. You are speaking my language. I really feel bad for what you guys are going through on that end in Germany.

Politics are made to distract people, that is why I avoid that subject.

I personally would just have an easier time with German neighbors and some german culture.

But fuck that as well, the struggle is what creates legends.

How do you feel on those that have a a phrase that is part of their signature asking for certain people to be voted as witness?

I belong to a group that it has it as one of its guidelines and to show support to a certain person as well as I believe that the person is doing good.

I think it can be good as most people don't know how to vote a witness, however, it is still begging, and begging is for people that have no skill that stands out.

Fair enough and I get your point. It was something that didn't bode to well with me as well as having that as part of my signature and it does seem by mentioning them I am trying to get their attention.

In a Steemit world where so many planktons like me are jocking for attention when you mention them it just creates more needless noise.

Thank you for insight and just like my namesake I will be a maverick and remove that even with some consequences. I will just have to strengthen myself with my own good posts and of course contests that I join.

You have an open mind and you are able to take criticism and see if it is worth trying. Not many can do that.

This article is yet so informative. Moreover, it calls for self-respect and confidence in posting. Even I myself can say that asking or pleading for upvotes can really somehow degrade your dignity on the platform. Thanks for posting this though!

💪 So true.
I get people asking for upvote for upvote on Steemit chat and it's super annoying. I appreciate your wisdom and telling it how it is.

Your link to the previous post doesn't work, by the way. Keep hustlin!

Thanks for the info Kevinli.

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