Confrontation - A Lesson in Masculinity

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

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99% of people living in the west that are not Muslims are feminized and scared of any confrontation.

"Violence is not the answer," says the leftie or the women that rely on the government that protects them. People that say that violence is not the answer have lost any fight or weren't in one in the first place.

Look, without violence humans wouldn't be on top of the food chain, we would be eaten by predators.

The police use violence to protect you & how will you protect yourself against violence? What will you do against violence in the world? Ah yes, you protest (how useful).

Violence can only be countered with violence. There is no fucking golden rule. "Don't do to others that you don't want to happen to you".

So what will you do if I piss on the golden rules and break your arms? Call the police? That should get all the conflict avoidant cowards thinking.

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There is positive confrontation and negative confrontation. Positive confrontation is taking criticism and confrontations of your chosen people because after all, you have chosen those to be your friends.

They will confront you to show you that there is a better way (in their opinion) or that you can do better or for whatever reason.

Negative confrontation is people confronting you that you don't know. Those people are there to make you look like a punk, to destroy you or to get what they want from you.

Those people are not your chosen people and you don't have to argue with them and you shouldn't do it.

They are not your chosen people, if they confront them about something you will intimidate them and tell them to fuck off and leave you alone or you will beat them up. Never argument with strangers.

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Courage - The Mark of a Hero

Confrontation is scary. Even the most badass people on earth feel uncomfortable doing it and that is only a natural reaction.

Confrontation means that a fight can happen, confrontation means to fight for what you want verbally or physically or both.

Confrontation requires courage. People that avoid confrontation are 100% losers in their life because they always get beaten by people who are not afraid of it.

People that have no courage get nothing in life, it is that simple. So how do you become courageous? It is really simple, you face confrontation even when you are scared.

Confrontation also means that you could lose, but don't be afraid to lose, if you give it your all and destroy the other position with overwhelming force and brutality (fighting) or arguments (in a discussion with a boss, a government agent or discussions in general).

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Standing your Ground, Protecting Your Family & Holding Frame

Today I was first-hand witness of grade a masculinity. The caretaker of the house went to a Muslim family complaining that the kids were always too loud at all times of the day and I agree with that.

It often sounds like he is beating his kids so I went outside to ask what is wrong and he ice-cold lied that the children are not screaming after 10 pm.

He told me to not talk in that tone and I told him to go outside and fight. He just told me to stop that tone. At this point, we were 3 guys against that Muslim guy. Her husband was now there as well and she was almost crying begging me to go to her apartment with her husband and talk it out.

The guy continued to lie and he didn't take my threats and stood his ground. He was wrong and he continues to piss off people in the house.

I will write a letter and gather signs to send it to the landlord, the people had enough and I am going to lead us to victory. This guy will learn to calm his kids or he can say goodbye.

However, the lessons are clear (for which he earned my respect). He lied for his family, he protected them & he held his frame.

He wasn't afraid of confrontation but his obvious lies will get him into trouble now. What an idiot.

These are the lessons for today. Have a nice day savages.

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Love the tag of adventure.

I would always try to avoid violence, but always would defend my girls like a tiger.

Learning to lose is a hard lesson but one that everyone needs. Being afraid to lose is simply the worst, especially is the cost of losing is only your pride.

As a lefty I'm obligated to say there are better options than violence ;). Sometimes there are better options at one's disposal to take down a bully...

I think the world needs both types of people. The tough macho guy (who doesn't beat his wife) and that quiet, wonky scientist who's hard at work in some remote research lab finding a cure for a devastating disease who would never pick up a protein shake or get into a bar fight.

you filled a sick topic for many, but for people where I live, it's Belarus and Russia, here violence solves many problems every day. People are embittered, and on the street for a bad look or a bad word, a fight can happen ... But this is only in some areas where only people with low social responsibility live :)
and so I will say my opinion, people in the West have long forgotten how to defend their opinion, there are many "loyal" people ... and this is used by the prizh. I understand that in our society of the 21st century it is necessary to be humane, but you have to be able to stand up for yourself! You need to protect yourself and your interests!
thanks for such an interesting topic

You need to protect yourself and your interests!

Absolutely agree, and besides that -> Russia is the only white country left in the world where men still have functioning balls.


Humans are animals, they are really sophisticated and intelligent animals, but are animals nonetheless.

Violence isn't good. But at the same time you have to be able to defend your family or you're no good in my book.


Only the strong have survived in the past and the future is no different.


Many , especially lefties, love state enforced violence, but claim to be pacifists. These are the worst; they let others fight their fights!

They already suffer from their cowardice. They are depressed and poor because they chose to give in to their fear.

Hii @valorforfreedom If violence can be prevented, I'd still go for that.
thanks for such an interesting topic.

great post

The savagery continues.

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