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RE: Balance between Authors and Curators || Newsteem

in #dtube5 years ago

I think the platform is over roboticized. There is virtually no one reading and commenting on the posts... and most of the votes we get are automated. 🙄

The 5 minute curation window is idiotic, if you ask me.


I feel like robot... Can't do curation manually and properly , I don't how others are doing that ;) @trincowski

They aren't. They're voting automatically most of the time. 😊

Hm, I am watching videos. Not all and not many, but I do like some content. However, I rarely comment 😂 Don't like commenting.

Ahh, now I did 🤔

Youtube is very similar. Most comments and likes are automated or bought so that others comment and like as well. Just the way the world works for now! But we are here to change it, aren't we? 😃I tried it myself, but videos aren't making more money because of it. So it's kind of nonsense, unless you really have the money to boost it...

I know dear, well it's not possible always to leave feedback infact I also can't leave feedback every time...
I don't have knowledge about youtube but after your comment I think I should research on that.. Well, heard so much about youtube buying subscribers and easy way to increase subscribers... Lolll... There is no honesty .. Hahahaha.. Thanks dear @mvd ...

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