"Take Care"

in #dtube5 years ago (edited)

Take care everyone, it’s been a good time. I lived among your folk for many a years. I watched civilizations come and go and watched as your kind began to grow. But now I fear the end might be near, for you have lost your way, left places gray.

Earth is no garbage place, you know. It’s rich with life and should lack the strife for many generations you’ve put on it. Its species unreplaceable, yet now I fear many have become untraceable. I remember swimming with the stellar’s sea cow, walked with the white-footed rabbit-rat, and flew with the colorful Tahiti rails. Yet now, only their nails you hold dear in little houses to peak at; only now they cannot fear your guns and nets and your greedy desires fueled by the endless fires you have sown onto this world.

I hope one day—soon—you’ll come to your senses and see the beauty that still fills this oasis in the spaces around you. I hope one day—soon—you’ll fathom this place, its riches and beauties and come to your senses and reckon your chances to survive without abundance, to survive without what keeps you alive.

Then, perhaps, we’ll meet again, up in the stars, quite far away, but you’ll know how to find me, what do you say?


Looooove it!!! Well done!! You have a great voice. Hope you will do many more!!

thank you so much 💗 I am planning on doing so :)

Great job @tobetada very well spoken 💪

What do I say?
Sorry for humanities past transgressions
we are trying to learn from our wrongful ways
Yet history repeats into future days

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks @d00k13 :) yes history is always repeating itself with slight modifications. But it seems that we are now at a treshhold where we have to learn very fast

I completely agree with that, I am a big conspiracy nut so I’m in the mind set we have discovered all the needed solutions. Mostly I figure humanities desire to control has suppressed the things we need to be aware of most. Call it the new age awakening, comparable to the French Revolution inspiring scientific analysis as a standard something big is about to unfold.

Much love brother,
Thank you for participating 💪

Posted using Partiko iOS

Congrats! you made it into the Freewrite Favorites :) Upvote on a different post - this one already got one


Awesome! The freewrites have been really fun. What a great community :)

Uncle Bruni listening to your #freewrite. 👍👍

That was nicely done :)
I hope one day soon too ....

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