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RE: DTube - YouTube's Days Are Numbered - D.Tube Is THE Blockchain Solution To Censorship! (interview with the creator of DTube)

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

I am very thankful to have Steemit as place to speak my mind. I noticed long ago that things that go against the left wing agenda get deleted while people who support the left wing agenda can say all kinds of vile and many times untrue things. On one site I protested a flagged comment and was called an intolerant racist and directly accused of trying get away with my comment because I didn't think the website knew who I was, by a Phd at the website, over a post that wasn't about race in any way. And I knew the website knew who I was. I did mask my name to viewers because I know that the truth is hard to take for some people. Other websites don't threaten to ban you, they just delete your comment like it never happened. Just because they have a political agenda.
I am tolerant of all religions. Always have been. But the question, what is a Political Doctrine, Religion or Cult. Then it starts getting murky. Who am I to say what qualifies as a religion and what is not a religion but is instead a cult or political doctrine. I always had the idea that a religion was for peace and love so Satanist were not a religion but a cult, at least to me anyway.
Like anyone who knows no better, for most of my life I thought Islam was a religion just like all the others. The Muslims I had known seemed nice enough. They never intermingled and I only saw them out in groups but I never saw them as all that different. However over the last 15 years I have been learning more and more about Islam and I no longer consider it a religion. It has some elements of religion but it seems to be more about control of individuals than about peace or love. To me that makes it more of a cult. But there is one basic thing about what Muslims believe that should concern all people.
Mohammed was the Perfect Person and that anything he did, Muslims should do. So you can have sex with 9 year old girls, because that is what Mohammed did so its OK for any Muslim to do. Owning Slaves in OK because Mohammed owned slaves, so any Muslim can own slaves because that is what Mohammed did.
Mohammed killed those who insulted Islam so it is OK for any Muslim to kill those who insult Islam. Because that's what Mohammed did.
Don't take my word for it. Go learn about Mohammed then ask any Muslim, what he did that was wrong and see if anything at all he did was wrong. then you will have your answer.
My biggest worry has been that some leftist or Muslim that works at one of these tech companies would dox me to the Muslims. Resulting in a very real threat to my life.

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