Will "Steemit 2.0" (MEOS?) Destroy Steemit?

in #dtube5 years ago (edited)

Getting a video in today before my big week coming up. Will "Steemit 2.0" (Dan Larmier dubbed) turn #Steemit into Myspace? I give my thoughts on the matter. SPOILER: no - I believe it will be a very good thing for Steemit.

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I agree with you, I think MEOS has very little chance of killing Steemit, and I don’t think it’s going to be as big or revolutionary as people think, unless if they come up with a UX comparable or better than the social media we are use to. From how I understand the system speculatively speaking, people pay to post, which to me sounds like you’re going to have a lot of ads and content people aren’t going to enjoy on there. Alternatively, if they do reward posts and good content, like you said there’s going to be people gaming the system by buying upvotes or whatever way is most profitable. Also, in terms of the features of MEOS I’ve heard so far, it sounds a lot like a combination of what is already out there; Hyperspace has a UBI system and ONO has KYC. The most important thing in my opinion is UX, simplicity of use for the average user. So let’s see what they do with that. Thanks for the video and insightful thoughts.

Great comment @nextgen622

Indeed it's all about UX at this stage. Without solid and unique UX it will be hard to reach mass adoption.


Hi @theycallmedan,
thx a lot for this great post/podcast.
However IMHO you left some points out.. so I kind of grabbed the pencil where you stopped and blogged about further possible implications... if you do not mind I would like to put the link in here..

I think that many people still haven't recognized how small crypto currently is and how massive the space it can occupy is. There is competition across projects (good for innovation) when there is no need to actually compete against each other but instead work together in various capacities to take BC and crypto to maximium benefits. Millions of blockchains, thousands of currencies - all intertwined and leveraging each other to offer the world better than the shit that currently is.

I think you are right in principle. However, one dollar in one is not one dollar in the other. Unfortunately, getting stake in one blockchain means not putting stake, or taking from, another. I agree that we should have a piece of each.

I have no insider information or birdie telling me so this is just speculation.

Perhaps Dan is referring to Steemit meaning the corporation and not the blockchain. Dan has to know the difference between the two.

I might be wrong but Dan seems more like a builder rather than a destroyer. My guess is there could be some type of integration. The UBI idea does make sense as a way to attract users.

There are reasons why I think a Universal Basic Income would be useful. However, there have been no real world demonstrations of it working. I think, if they are willing to take the risk, we should stand back and watch.

Some of the problems UBI would resolve are liquidity traps and disenfranchisement.

I think that if EOS is willing to undertake the experiment, it would be beneficial for everybody to have a dataset that demonstrates if UBI is workable or not.

I am of two minds on one person one vote. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting what is for lunch. Stake is wealthy wolves and a poor sheep deciding what is for lunch based on assets. However, as an aspiring wealthy wolf, I have incentive to build my stake. As a pure democracy, one person one vote, I’d be continuously suspicious of my peers. In one, I have an opportunity to become elite. In the other, I’m at the whim of the mob.

You bring up valid points about the one person, one vote. Neither system is ideal although a blend of the two might be the best.
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Interesting times we live in so much is for sure. Never a dull day in crypto. Hahaha! We'll see if this will turn out to be a real scare for some on STEEM. At the end of the day I still believe in what is happening here in STEEM. "MEOS" does not change that for now at least.

With everything that has occurred in the past year, we are still moving forward and building a stronger community. What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I’m looking for what June 1st is all about. I believe in both Steem and EOS... if they do come out with MEOS, no biggie. I’ll use both!

Steem can learn from the launch of MEOS... if they have something great and steem can apply it in the future.

Exciting Times For Sure! 😎

Posted using Partiko iOS

Agreed about June. I was not aware about EOS until recently. The more I read, I learned that June is a big month for EOS. So, I bought some to be able to dip my toe in what they are doing.

I am also a member of Minds. I find the community there very different from Steem. No doubt MEOS will be different from Steemit.

I agree that MEOS can serve as a lab that would not cost Steem. We can take the best lessons learned, in addition to the lessons learned in the past few years.

I think this might be the crucible needed to develop something entirely new without destroying Steem in the process.

Thank you. I will also use both!

Posted using Partiko Android

I think that Larimer needs to move on. The fact that he's still stalled on Steem when he has other projects says a lot.


Thanks for this little dose of motivation mate, I'm currently brushing up on some dev stuff for my next project. I'll be in touch with you when it's near completion.

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