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RE: The Strength Ritual Chamber - Lifting Heavy Steel With my Ancestors

in #dtube7 years ago

Excellent post. I have been lifting for over 20 years, and have always had this same mindset. Wardruna and all their albums experience heavy play through my speakers. (And so does Amon Amarth). I live out in the woods and add "nature-lifting" routines into my regular workouts. I'll cut 60-pound slabs of oak, then use them like Atlas stones, lifting them from the ground, then onto the bed of my truck from the side, and not the open tailgate. This way, I am forced to lift the slab higher, like they do in competitions with the Atlas stones. I'm reading the Poetic Edda and studying the different variations of the Younger Futhark, and also the Elder Futhark. The mindset you speak of is a warrior mindset. I'm a Marine, (U.S.), fought in combat. And this is the mindset many Infantry Marines have. Grimfrost recently posted a fascinating write-up on a runestone that was recently translated.


Hail Rightside.

You are living parts of my dream.
Actually, I don't need to ask you why you are doing this because I know the answer.

"Conquering Fear"
With a damn Conan thumbnail.

I will enjoy that post when my food is done.

I would really enjoy reading how you lift in nature because that is what I plan to do with the Berserkers once I got the cash to do so.

PS: You will like my Berserkergang playlist:

Well met! And yes, I love Conan and the entire world of it. I have been kicking around doing an article on just that subject, nature-lifting. (Splitting wood with heavy maul, carrying heavy wood, lifting heavy stones/tree-trunks). It's such a visceral experience. In the cold, your breath puffs out like a steam engine, and you can just feel nature, and gain strength and power from that connection alone. Then add to it, music like Wardruna, then it becomes a mystical experience. A cleansing experience. It's tough, because it's only me out in their when I'm cutting and bucking. I'll have to get creative with how I get shots and/or video. I have to cut and gather wood again soon, so, hopefully I can put something together. And thanks for link to your playlist. Paleowolf is a group I recently came across but I dig the ambiance of it. We have similar tastes in that regard. Danheim... how didn't I come across them already?!
From some previous reading, the Berserkers supposedly drank a mushroom tea that had psychedelic properties, and took away their fear. I can speak to the fact of this from experience. And in that article, it talks about psilocybin mushrooms and how they actually do conquer fear. I'll be following you now!


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