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RE: **90's Flashback** Spacehog - In The Meantime - Drum Cover

in #dtube5 years ago (edited)

So closeeee. That's actually a very good question I'm not surprised you asked since you're quite in tune with the human mind. When I think about all of the time I've invested, in lieu of it being spent on my personal life/business, it makes me wonder if a break is due to make up some ground there. It seems like the right thing to do, especially with my circle of trust/friends here being pretty small, and so few of them actually proactively showing they care (like you do). I'm 60/40 for setting autovote on and posting the occasional drum video. The irony is that I could have people swarming around me if I bought Steem, but I hate the thought of that.


Hm, yes, I have witnessed your frustration from time to time and I don't blame you for feeling some resentment :-/

A break would be the best thing to do actually. Just let go of any expectations/goals/quality requirements, whatever, put everything in 'holiday mode' and just let it sit here for a while. Then at some point you'll notice what you like to share regardless of all the secondary stuff. I did a 'mental break' a while ago and I actually posted more because I had let go of what I should do with my blog :')

Why is Steem such a mental f-ck up.

The irony is that I could have people swarming around me if I bought Steem, but I hate the thought of that.

You could still invest on a secondary/anonymous account without posts and downvote the shit out of some people after the next HardFork :D Just for fun and to make up for some resentment :')

Hear hear, I hit my minnow goal and have my finger on the powrdown button, sorry not sorry. I got invited to the minnow league and politely declined as I'm far too jaded for that journey...

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