in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

Cycling into work again today, really push it!!

I have a break through in my strength training, possibly one the the best days of my life :-)

Thank you to the following people:

@dtubefitness - Supporting and promoting fitness minded individuals by resteeming and upvoting hard working Steemians in the fitness space!

@dtube - for creating this amazing platform full of amazing people

@gabbyg86 - this guy is an inspiration

@gisi - give out amazing fitness advice everyday

▶️ DTube


Well done on your weight loss!
I lost 31lbs last year by intermittent fasting (5:2). I found it pretty easy. The underlying problem with my weight was hypothyroidism, and once I got that sorted I was able to lose weight. I still do one fast day a week, for general health and to maintain the weight loss. On fast days I have a black coffee in the morning and nothing else except water and a little salt until 4pm, when I have a light meal of poached eggs on rye bread and soup or green smoothies and berries.
I find that if I'm active I forget about being hungry, and I try to go to the climbing centre in the evening as I never feel hungry when I'm climbing - only thirsty.
After the first two months of intermittent fasting I decided to cut out all sugar, because I was craving it so much (I think that was an overhang from the hypothyroidism because it makes you so fatigued that you crave sugar as a quick energy fix). I found that really tough, but I persevered, and I think it helped the weight loss quite a bit. I now only allow myself a sugary treat when I've climbed a mountain or done the equivalent in exercise!

Only getting to this now, I read your comment a week ago but life got in the way, sorry!
you lost a lot of weight, wow. 5:2? is that days?
Did you feel weak on fast days?

No problem! Yes, 2 fast days and 5 non-fast days :) I really don't feel weak on fast days - maybe a little tired sometimes, but I think that's when I've been fuelling myself with quick-fix energy food, and therefore haven't had enough sleep!
If you're on Facebook, I really recommend the "5:2 Intermittent Fasting" Group. They provide loads of info and support, and they have a regular Fast Train where people who are on a fast day support each other and talk about what they're planning for the day.

paradiiiis :) congrats on the weight loss! gota keep pushing, you really turned your days into healthy habits :) good words shared about the community :) btw like you said weight is coming off fast. but thats normal at the beginning, after progress with be harder and you will have to push more, intermittent fasting is a great choice man :) look forward to the sleeve! @dtubefitness to the sky

Thanks G, only getting to this comment now, sorry.
Sleeve here I come. How long do you think it will take me?

hard to say since I havent seen you without a tshirt :) but i think less than the 2 yrs u mentioned.

I've had some real luck with Intermittent Fasting. Sounds like you've made some real progress and that certainly helps motivate doesn't it?

Yea I think I would do well at intermittent fasting. I dont find it too difficult to "not" eat in the morning. Ill give it a go and see.
Thanks Captain, progress is coming thick and fast now, I think whats helping other than seeing results is the fact that Im being held accountable through vlogging everything! I feel like people are almost expecting me to be fit as soon as possible :-)
I cant wait for the day I get a six pack and vlog about going into the tattoo shop and record getting that sleeve tattoo, that is the ultimate goal!!!

The camera used in this video has some nice contrast. Your eyes are like nice blue pools of water that I want to dive into....once it gets warmer around here that is. Sounds like you're doing great with the fitness and diet. Wish I had that determination and dedication. Who did the into? It is pretty sweet. That sleeve tattoo seems to be right around the corner. Take care brother.

Its a really cool camera, I think I will look at investing in a new lens, the one I have is the kit lens although its not bad at all. Its the color grading that makes it pop. "Pools of water" hahaha, I wish I had blue eyes like that in real life, they are blue but not like that..dive into them any time Tim, just take me out for dinner first :-)
I did the intro in After Effects, I love doing all that stuff. Everyday I think about that Tattoo, what a day that will be !!!!!

Very good job on the intro. With your current diet I'd better not take you to dinner. I might tempt you with some burgers and fries. :) I just ordered my first lens (other than kit) for my camera and should have it next week. Luckily it was pretty inexpensive. Thanks for the great reply. Made me smile. Do you have the whole sleeve tattoo already in your head? What types of things are going to be included in that?

I have the sleeve in my head but I dont know what it will be of. I think I will have something about the seven summits on it, I have done half of them and plan to finish them in a few years, including Everest! After that I dont know. It has to be something meaningful, something to do with Ireland perhaps, my family crest somewhere in there, my ancestors were royalty in Ireland back in old times, there is still a castle, its in ruins though.
When the girls were born I was going to get a tattoo of their footprints but that got vetoed, thats why this deal with my wife has me so excited!!

The footprints would have been awesome. Tell your wife I said so. :) I am intrigued by those climbs to the peaks of the world. I have watched a lot of crazy documentaries on climbers. Lot's of respect there. One of my thoughts If I were to get a tattoo has been MAYBE a Celtic cross on my neck. I know if is probably overplayed and I am not super religious but it always felt right. I think indecision has been my biggest deterrent for getting a tattoo. My wife would love it if I were tattooed all over. I guess I have commitment issues. Your plans sound like they would form into a great sleeve. I hope up you are able to vlog those climbs because I would be glued to that.

Thank you for shout-out Phil! You'll get to your goals for sure. Man it's been a wild journey so far. Keep pushing and keep improving. The best is yet to come.

It sure has been a wild journey!! With people like you and @gisi behind me I will get my goal for sure, and we all know what that goal is :-) tattttttttooooooooo!


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