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RE: She's Creepy // From pencils to inks!

in #dtube5 years ago

In that situation me and my sister would probably have taken up bartender duties or been the person carrying plates of snacks around. That way you can be somewhat sociable without having to do the stupid icebreaker conversations XD

Good job for not hiding in a corner though, did you meet any interesting people?

I've been on hiatus from MTG and gaming in general for years x_x

The thumbnail looks interesting, my internet is being awful and laggy right now (lots of work going on in the area so some days things are fine and other days reminds me of dialup) so can't load the video >_< but I'll watch it when I'm able to pin it.


I wish I could’ve gotten into a serving position but it wasn’t that kind of party. >.<

I met a couple that share my love for food and fashion so it was actually pretty great!

I’ve noticed that you’re still on hiatus, will you ever get back into it?

Bummer that you couldn’t watch the video maybe later!

Not on hiatus, been posting every week again. Just progblogs (which I guess are pretty shitposty here but they're progress reports for my Patreons, all two of them) because the stuff I do takes me forever x_x

Brain is starting to get back into some semblance of order so I may be able to start dropping sketchies again at some point.

Lol, totally my fault! 😝 Miscommunication, I meant a MTG hiatus.

I also don’t think your updates would be considered shitposting, even to Steemit standards. I know a few others that copy and paste similar writings on here to their Patreon. Keeping up and staying relevant on Patreon is no joke so kudos to you!

Yay! I look forward to seeing more sketches from ya!

Ahh MTG hiatus. That's been going on for over a decade now ^_^; and that may not end til the kids stop homeschooling so another 7 years and even then we'll see XD I stopped playing because I couldn't predict how long a game would go for and freaking commander takes even longer x_x

Patreon is actually completely responsible for me posting regularly, otherwise there would probably be a lot of time between postings from me if I do what I do on dA (and now Narrative and Hyperspace too) and only post finished stuff XD I don't know about staying relevant though, I don't think I was relevant to anything to begin with x_x I consider my Patreon "successful" because I have two amazingly dedicated Patreons (one of which is my first one who put a hell of a lot of faith in someone he knows through a game who started out on the gamble that I may have nothing to show at the time of starting the Patreon as all I'd done was background universe building and script work and base models but maybe people would be interested in the process from scratch to finished?) but it's definitely not "successful" by standard definitions of successful XD

Hoping to get onto those sketchies soonish as they're crowd cameo ones that should probably have been done months ago, but I need to do chores first aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh XD

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