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RE: DTube - Don't use it for the wrong reasons.

in #dtube5 years ago

I've long had a problem with the dtube upvoter - they do tend to upvote random shit with little care for quality.

They're basically a discord anarchist - no logic to the way they wield their power.

Nathanmars seems to have had a successful word - his family seem to get regular upvotes. I have mixed feelings about that - well intentioned but a lot of bland and mediocre posts getting $10. I wish I cld mute his resteems.

Then there's people like @canadianrenegade putting his entire housebuild on dtube - very interesting stuff - no dtube upvote.

I had one once. I think I'm on the radar for moaning about it. Vids not my thing mind.

I wish @ned had removed that dtube delegation.

Posted using Partiko Android


Ooo.. your more sore about this topic that I am. We will need to talk about this at 'Camp'.

I think NathanMars is a good bloke, he promotes STEEM religiously on Twitter and has got me doing some tweets.

Nathanmars seems to have had a successful word - his family seem to get regular upvotes.

Yes I agree with this, mentioning no names I see the old regulars getting sustained daily votes.

However, dTube can do what they like.. but I wont promote it or use it anymore. Just dont want to feel like 'that' again.

Comparing @dtube rewards = feeling like the monkey on the left...

Posted using Partiko Android

I wish I could play this but being at work... I dare'nt ;)

It's safe - a 1 min clip from a TED talk.

It also explains the low retention rate on steem IMO.

Posted using Partiko Android

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