
Thanks a lot for promoting my video. I'm glad your steem news is back. I hope you will get the support back. I'm sorry that I can't see you posting in the new dtube chain. I have a good upvote there and I can support you with dtc, it's not tradble, but at least it will make your videos more exposed and curators may notice you. I think now the trending page in dtube is not dependend on steem earning, but on dtube chain earnig, maybe that's the reason why curators are not noticing you. Please login with both accounts on dtube, so it may help you. You will be as well prepared for the updates that we will have with dtube 1.0. I wasn't supported for a while as well, but I'm doing my best with dtube chain now and I feel that I'm back to the train. Never lose hope, keep creating. They have a big update in the curation team. You are just not noticed, I'm almost sure about that. #dtubechallenge

Thanks for the update man!

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