This Steem Power is Cursed | Help!

in #dtube5 years ago

I don't know what to say guys

Last week, @adetorrent delegated almost 50k SP to me, as an experiment. I explained everything in this post

We joked about it being cursed, now this is happening.


Might as well make fun of the situation

If you watched the video...

What do you think was happening to me?

The most creative guess(es) gets a 100% upvote.

Have fun making fun of my misfortune.

▶️ DTube

I don't know what you're seeing girl, but i can tell you how to get rid if it.

The quickest way to get rid of this shit is to plait your hair, then hook yourself upside down on a tree branch with your legs so the tip of your plait just touches the ground. Swing your head around to draw a figure eight in the ground eight times with your plait, then shout "All mighty Steem Power" eight times. Continue for seven more times, and by that time you should have passed out by exhausation. When you wake up the shit you see will have disapeared.

There are easier ways, but it takes much longer. Let me know if you want the easy way out instead.

Hahahha honestly just picturing that was insane enough!

Posted using Partiko Android

I think you are cursed indeed but the cure is simple. Upvote me always to 100% and that will light up your soul. PS: I never believed you from the beginning,but I was curious where you are trying to drag me. So do some Nigerian voodoo steampunk power upvotes around blockchain and never forget to have fun

Posted using Partiko Android

Why you do this to meee

Posted using Partiko Android

Honestly, you are fucking brilliantly convincing at that concerned vibe. God dammit!! Maybe it’s your motherhood experience that’s why your so good at being worried?!
I was like “oh man, why won’t she just say what she saw!?” Like “C’mon, describe this weird shit”


Posted using Partiko iOS

Hahhaha annoying I hope?! Originally I was going to make some shit up... until I decided actually no, I'll leave it as suspense. And hey, at least someone who attempts to be creative about what I "saw" could get a nice upvote ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

What actually went through my mind about what you “saw” was I pictured you in a horror movie, walking past a door way down a hall, and standing in the door way in your peripheral vision was a black hooded omen which disappeared as you turned to properly look at it. The when you were out near the park I imagined you saw it again by the swings, but this time it was a black-hole like vortex in its chest that was sucking (or consuming?) things in.
Urgh. Creepy.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Horror movie?? Creepy??? Hardly :P

Thanks for the nightmare inspirations!

Posted using Partiko Android

Horror AND creepy. This guy had both:

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hahaha who you calling a sponge huh? :P

Posted using Partiko Android

it was more about the power bit text along the bottom but hey, if that's the bit that hit home! ha! :)

AAAGGGHHHH!!! You had me going til the end!!!! I was waiting to find out what actualy happened to you, you could have made this run and run!!! I was gonna say, if you cant handle the curse then i'll have it... but!! haha

D'Angelo - Vodoo, one of my favourite albums!

Be careful, I hear there's a plague going around


Posted using Partiko Android

This user has already been infected! Sneezing at them again does not have any effect.

King Of Disease

Please don't upvote me with that. lol

Too late ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

It looks like a video for a moovie like horor moovie haha nice

Haha !sneeze.. I mean thanks!

Posted using Partiko Android

You have been infected by the King of Disease!

Will you quarantine yourself?

Or will you spread the plague?

King Of Disease

You will be more glue to the platform and always watching your voting power to fill up so that you can start upvoting posts again and also self voting your own post as well 😏😎

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