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RE: Old mate 8 foot lache

in #dtube7 years ago

omg that was totally awesome! monkey style!!! :P ah so that totally makes sense you need the momentum that the added height gives in order to make it just a little bit further. Do you often film your practice? I know pole is different, but it upped my game by a lot when I started filming and playing back, because then you can see what you actually did rather than what you thought you did or little corrections that could be made.


I honestly don't.
But.... I really, really need to get into the habit. It's tricky because you're moving around the room so much, and other people are running all over the place so you have to constantly set up your filming stuff and make sure it's not in anyone's way.... or grab someone to film you, which most people are really happy to do, but it takes them away from their own training.

As I get more adventurous in the home-gym I'll film more and more. I used to do 9 foot laches without too much drama, but fell out of the practice... so having someone tell me what I was doing wrong really helped get my mental game back, which is exactly the same experience of playing back on video. It makes such a huge difference. I've bought a little snake tripod thing that I can wrap around other obstacles to film... so expect more monkey!!

ahhhh yeah since you are moving around the course! hehe yah your home gym looked awesome, I'm definitely looking forward to more monkey business!

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