
I know ur position on god because i was once a christian, not unlike yourself.. but over a lifetime I have learned and experience to much to continue believing religious banter.. Now i know the truth, and its so much more than the supressed religious beliefs we are taught as children..

Truth is I am god, you are god, everything here is god because we are all one consciousness.. Try reading "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins, if you are strong in faith then you would be willing to look at another point of view..

As far as politics go, i do believe there is a coup against the don.. i do believe the dems are corrupt as hell and even some republicans! i do believe he is trying his best, i just dont believe he has enough good people on his side to do anything real. He supports the Military Industrial Complex and that is owned by the elites and totally counter intuitive against the people.. So like i said, actions speak louder than words... he talks a lot but nothing ever comes to fruition.. Put hillary in jail, stop the military complex, stop propping up the stock market and lying about the economy, pull out of wars.. do any of those and i will endorse him again, until then i cant support his actions..

Btw, this was a good video and he confirms what im saying.. Trump cant do anything cuz the deep state has his hands tied at every turn.. like i said, we are on the same side, we just have different beliefs and opinions on how things are going to happen..

As long as Trump is Hated by the Central Bank Owners, know that “We” are in good hands...
October 13, 2019... 9.3 Hollywood Time...

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