
At least you had a sunny day to get out and take a video! The ice on the lake looks pretty!

Yes it felt nice to feel some sunshine on my skin!

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Awwwwwww. So sweet to wake up too!!!!! What the ! Get off the crack!!! I wouldn't be standing on it. That's just crazy the waves frozen!! Really cool! Thanks man

WOW! Seeing that crack go across the entire lake is so bizarre.

Yeah it felt a bit sketchy crossing it to be honest!! It was fun but I never would push it once it starts to thaw like some of the guys do!

I know ya'll are use to it up there and many people go out on the ice, but I think I'd be TOO chicken. No way to tell if you are about to step on a thin spot.

I laughed when that guy was scooching across the ice on his tush. I can totally see me doing that instead of trying to stand up again. :)

I know I laughed too but would be doing it. I could not step off of the snow covered place it was so incredibly slippery! I am a pansy on ice coz I hate falling!

those colors really are beautiful and once I squinted my eyes just a little I could see what you mean about it looking like tropical waters! I've never seen frozen waves either, pretty cool ice textures and such. I love ice skating but haven't had the chance in years but watching this reminds me how much fun it can be to skate and then sit by a bonfire to warm up before going out again.

Oh yes it is always the bane of photography that the scene is never reproduced exactly like being there..

You know down from my house some folks ice skate and it is so cool to see them glide along! Almost effortless! I hope you can get back out on some skates sometime soon!

Yes alas our eye lens is still quite a bit more sophisticated than the camera lens, and plus the camera can't feel the experience :-)
Looking forward to ice skating too!

It seems that the ice will going to melt soon @old-guy-photos
When is the start of spring there?

Beautiful.. is it end of winter?? here, we have frozen lake also. Well, i will try to share it with you guys.. and @prettynicevideo hmm.. what can i say for her?? she is talented , flawless and amazing personality..

I'm not sure the sad little boat will still float. Looks like it might have gotten a bit squished. Is that yours? Doubtful. Think you always pull yours. For good reason.
Stay away from those cracks, look a bit dicey to me. Ben is brave, or just a whole lot younger than us ( : Then again, you're not going out where the water's 80 feet deep. Yee haaaa. Cheers, and stay warm.

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