What Kind Of Steemian Do You Want To Be?

in #dtube7 years ago

Actually, I have planned to upload a different Video than this one.
But today in the morning I read an interesting comment on my first video which inspires me to make this video and share it with you guys.
I hope you will enjoy it. Thanks for watching guys.

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Another great video. What mountain is that in the background? Part of the Alps?
What I'm doing on Steemit right now, I would be doing whether or not Steem exists, so I don't mind much about the Steem money, even though I like it :D

These are mountains of the beautiful Salzburg! :)

Sorry, guys,​ my thumbnail is sadly too small. ^^

That has nothing to do with you - DTube updated this ;) gonna watch the video now!

Wie? Machen die das willkürlich?
Beim ersten Mal habe ich es doppelt wähnt aber in der richtigen Größe.

Nein, glaube seit dem Update sind die Bilder immer so klein im Post ;) Kann dir bald mehr sagen, uploade gleich ein kurzes Skivideo!

This also happened to mine.
Thought I was just to stupid to upload it correctly.

Warum auch immer die das geupdated haben, falls es so ist..

it helps a lot, now I am clear that what kind of steemian I wanted to be. thank you so much for the video @modernpaster . . . .

Thanks for watching my friend :)

Truly he is a modernpastor and Steem Evangelist too. Lol!
Weldone! bro

Thanks ^^ I appreciate your comment.

Great video once again - let's come to my answer!

What Steemian do I want to be?

Well, mostly I want to be a Steemian who engages in helping to grow this amazing platform and community - that's why I am running @welcoming, making tutorials, translating important stuff, promoting the german discord server, etc.

In my first weeks here, I felt like I couldn't help since I a not a programmer, designer, etc. But I have started thinking what could help asides from that - And I think I have found some things!

But I also want to be a Steemian who is here to learn things - Firstly, this involves learning and getting inspiration from other people. F.e. as a hobby player, your views on soccer and life in general can serve as a role model.

But it's not only about learning from others. While making posts and videos, you also learn about and from yourself. Thinking about your own actions can help a lot. Plus the learning by doing when it comes down to image editing, videos, ... also is great.

Last but not least I am also a Steemian who is interested in making some money out of this. But I think it's ok to feel that way. If people feel I contribute value, it feels fair to receive rewards for that.

Answer got longer than I expected, sry ;)

My friend, it's absolutely to feel that way. There is nothing bad about it. On the contrary, you are doing helpfuls things and you love doing that and also to have the possibility to earn something with that. This is absolutely fine.

And you are doing a great Job.
One day you will be a huge Influencer here :)

I would like to be the kind of steemian that helped me when I first joined the platform. In order word the kind of steemian that helps and encourages new users and gives useful feedback.
As person I would like to be more relaxed and present in every moment.
Interesting format man ! :)

This is great my friend :)
Follow this path.

I saw your vidio, what you're talking about is really sharing. I'm a beginner and already burning!

This is great. Fire will be a ​need for this journey.

Want to simple and wise steemains. I like your job. Following you, thanks.

Thanks my friend.
I appreciate your comment^^

Great Vid again, und das von jemandem der eigentlich keine machen wollte :)

Ich danke dir :)
Haha^^Was es nicht alles gibt.

Wie ich schon zuvor sagte mit deinem Deutschen Introduce... Smile... Man verändert sich, man sollte nicht stehen bleiben und besonders das wichtigste woran man immer denken sollte...


Sorry für die späte Antwort :)
Und auch jetzt stimme ich dir zu ^^

Kein Thema, Zeit ist nicht bestimmend, wichtig ist es was man tut nicht wann....

A great message

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