3rd Jan BTC Chart Update / Visual Map Of The Current Lightning Network / List Of Segwit Wallets

in #dtube7 years ago

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Story - Market Roundup
BTC down trendline broken, delete.
Big head today, slightly bearish.
Maybe test 38% fib level at 14376.

Biggest winner Stellar / XLM.
Biggest Loser Ark / ARK

Story - A Visual Map Of Lightning Network

494 nodes and 1755 channels.

I got this from the Lightning Megathread on Reddit:

Story - List Of Segwit Wallets

After the recent episode about schnorr signatures I had a few requests for a list of wallets that fully implement Segwit.

This was because in that video I showed how actual Segwit usage is still lagging around 10%:

I routed around and found this list of wallets:

This is a tweet in response to a Tone Vays and Jimmy Song video.

I have not validated each one of these myself so I can’t verify that they do all support Segwit.

However I can vouch for the Ledger because I use one of those myself.

I was surprised to find the Electrum desktop wallet on this list, and after checking the release notes, found out that yes, since version 3.0 was released Segwit support is in there.

If you want to download Electrum just make sure you are on the exact domain name otherwise you risk download a fake version of the wallet that steals your money.

Electrum release notes:

▶️ DTube

Also "CPAY" the https://cryptopay.me/ supports SegWit addresses, but it is a centralized website wallet however (you have no access to 'your' private keys)

Hehe. I can see you found out you cant change your Steemit username mr. Monk.

Its really good LN visualisation. Thanks for discovering it for us. The workaround around the "narrow pipeline" problem will be to send multiple smaller tx. That way, LN can find different routes.

I read in the WR, you are going to have your priv. keys online in order to run a hub, what do you think about that? Thats quite an issue in my opinion.

Break the transaction into a many smaller ones...... I had not considered that. Upvoted.
I think yes, you do have to have your private keys online in order to sign each lightning transaction as it passes through your node. However only the collateral is at risk.

Yep. I have looked it up. Each channel uses one-time priv. key so the risk is small.
BTW: Thank you for downvoting that cunt raping the reward pool. Its a moral thing to do.

posting at the same time FTW!

Yes my friend
This is very cool

On the Lightning Network Explorer map, the mouse scroll button zooms IN an OUT :)

Ah ha, I use a trackball lol so no zooming for me :)

Waoo did not know you were on STEEM, will follow.
Also this episode was excellent, really glad to see LN up and working even if its beta. Thanks for sharing the pages with reddit and the map thing.
Will see if i can setup a node myself, not sure how difficult it is.
Have you tried it yourself? if so was it hard? (i'm not that new to computers and crypt, have some masternode and things like that)
Keep up the awesome work!

I have not tried it myself no. Thanks for the comment.

👍lightening is coming
If not we are screwed 😕

Seriously though it’s comijg ! It’s gonna be a game changer 👍

Distinguished publication O leader
The most powerful bitcoin are all ho richness and financial freedom

Visual Map Of The Current Lightning Network is awesome. Keep doing such informative post by which every member of steemit get benefit

I would love to see Bitcoin be the winning cryptocurrency but I fear that the lightning network is just too complicated. It seems impossible that Bitcoin is ever going to be the best currency in terms of technology, and really for anything to gain mass adoption it is going to HAVE to be (in my opinion) easier, faster and cheaper than the fiat system. Look at STEEM for example, the transactions are free and take just a couple of seconds, that is already better than the lightning network, and as everything occurs on chain it's simpler and more secure. Other coins like Stellar and Raiblocks also offer technology that is probably better than Bitcoin can ever be. Like I said I would love it to succeed, but it is really starting to look like Bebo or MySpace IMO.

Hopefully it work out well for BTC, currently losing ground big time to ALT coins.

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