About Leaving and Missing the DTube Train | dreamvlog #23 [DTubeDaily]

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

dreamvlog #23 Thumbnail.png

How do you feel on the day when you have to get back home alone after a trip? Are you happy to see your family again? Do you feel sad because you wanted to stay some more days? Is it annoying you because you already think about the long time you will spend on the road and all the traffic? Or delayed trains or planes if you travel by these? Do you already think about going to work again? Do you feel lonely? Lost? Nervous?

For me the final moments are very special before I drive back after a trip no matter how long it was. It's a unique feeling which is very hard to explain because it's a mixture of all the ones I mentioned before. The feeling of being very sad and happy at the same time…

Missing the DTube train

In today's video I am also talking about two topics which were very hot in the last weeks within @dtubedaily. @captainbob, @harshilpatel, @jeffmcmullen and I guess some others were talking about how to up your DTube game.
I am very grateful for all the tips which you guys shared with us and of course it's great that we also talk about topics like these and that we share our knowledge because that's what real community support is about.
But I am right now facing a lot of pressure because another thing that we are talking about nearly every day is that more and more famous YouTubers are coming to DTube and that's why the quality level is getting higher and higher with every day.

@myndnow also gave me a lot of useful tips when I visited him in Berlin and he also showed me some professional vloggers on YouTube to get some inspiration because I didn't follow any vloggers on YouTube before.

At this point I wanted to thank you Winny for giving me a place to stay and for your generosity. And of course, for getting to know you as a person even better. Your funny and crazy way made me smile and laugh so much. We really had a good time together! I'm hoping we meet again very soon.

But to come back to the actual topic… seeing all those professionals and all of you guys improving every day puts a lot of pressure on me and I don't want to miss the DTube train. That's why I might try out some new techniques and styles to make my videos more interesting.
So, quality instead of quantity which means there might not be a video from me every day or every two days as the purpose of DTubeDaily has switched within the last weeks anyway from just a challenge about doing daily videos to an actual community.

I hope you enjoyed this video / article. If you did, make sure to upvote, follow and resteem. And what's most important…

…live your dream!

▶️ DTube

I just started on dtube as well , i wish a good luck to everybody

I wish you a lot of fun with the camera and also to become successful. I will check out some of your conent tomorrow. Thanks for your comment :)

Great job man! I love you drive and determination!

Yes the game has been upped, but never forget people stick around for the person, but what they're creating. No matter what happens, never lose sight of who you are and what you WANT to create.

I'm glad DTube gave you some love on this video, because a lot more people need to see this!

Have a good one.

LiveYourDreamathon is complete for me now haha

Thanks for your kind words Kevin. And yeah, I guess I’m that kind of person who just regurarly needs to see that my work has an effect but of course you won’t get this everywhere. But it always gives me that huge motivation boost and I want to do this.
Thank you for watching all this stuff after your journey. I hope you enjoyed the “LiveYourDreamathon” haha :D

wonderful, I find your writeup very useful. I have not even watched the video but I think I appreciate what you have put forward. I love people who all show gratitude for information. Thanks sir.

it is so sweet to see your reflections and I can really feel your sincerity in your words. And as long as you are sincere you should not worry about big Youtubers. But one thing has to be said - you don't throw the cigarette on the ground and leave it there!!! A huge NO NO! :D

I’m sorry @lostinhappiness. I’m always looking out for an ashtray and even walk if it’s far away but there was any... :(

Cool post friend
You always doing great
Have just a second and check my blog😂
i have this on my blog


Your post has been successfully reported as comment spam to @steemcleaners. You might get flagged for posts like these and your reputation will suffer as well.
Try to give some value to this community instead of copy / pasting promotion links on random posts. Especially where you are pretending to enjoy other peoples content although you probably haven’t even watched it. The only ones who earn money with posts like these are the people who report it.

Thank you and have a nice day!

Brother, it was awesome having you in Berlin man!! I also learned a lot from you :)

Your vlogging style is changing up to the better! WOOOHOOO!!

Winny out...for now ;)

You're a better DTuber than any of these guys :D

I think this is your best video to date. I loved the beginning and the setup of the time in the car, then loved the closing out with the driving. You showed some great story telling in this sequence. Awesome job and I can see every video how you improve :)

I love your attitude! I started making videos around the same time as you (I'm on ep 25) but I have been feeling like maybe it isn't worth it if we are going to get buried by an influx of Youtubers! I think there is definitely money to be made on here, but I am not sure if it will ever be consistent enough to be a full time gig! Even if it feels like one sometimes! I think you will make a great vlogger though, and you are well on your way! And it looks like dtube caught notice of you as well! Awesome! Good luck on your journey!

Hey @bethwheatcraft! Thank you very much for your kind words. At the moment I don’t care that much about money as I see all of this as a process of learning. I’m more about the community itself and our DTubeDaily group. But it would be cool of course to be some day a full-time DTuber.
I definitely have to check out your videos as well! I also wish you good luck, a lot of fun and to become successful.

@bethwheatcraft the trick is to join/build a community of like-minded people and support each other. Nobody can stop you from supporting each other if you know what I mean.

That's true, and I know money isn't everything, but for me, time is money, so it is hard to justify the time I spend on Steemit if I am not making much, or get dropped by my bigger supporters because of Dtube transplants!

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