
Such a pretty girl Sammi Jo. First cat I've seen using a steering wheel as a bed HA HA. Get out of the way folks, Sammi Jo is driving! That would be cool if they featured Sammi Jo in an episode of Ice Road Truckers or something like that.

Thanks Brother, that is from June 2016.

She don't like the phone in her face. But i grabbed that vid with the Sony Cam.

Hey can you see who down voted this....? WTF.....!? Not at my computer now. And not sure how to see it on phone @partiko

Not sure if i am gonna keep posting on steem if that kinda cowardly garbage is gonna keep happening. Fuckers like that will never face ya.But they are BAD ASS with a keyboard.

Downvoted.... smfh.

Posted using Partiko Android

This same bot has flagged my posts before. I know it is bullshit! But there isn't much you can do but flag the bot right back. This is a bot that randomly flags posts. This bot has been flagged so many times the rep on this bot is only 12 so no need to worry about it. It can't harm you. As long as you have a high rep getting flagged shouldn't effect you. So personally I wouldn't worry about this asshole bot.

It is when an actual real person with a lot of SP and a higher rep flags you that you have to worry. So far in the year that I've been on Steemit I've pissed off lots of people including two groups. Luckily the few times I was flagged was recently for fighting this pro-vaxx troll who posted a blog personally attacking me and one other Steemian for being anti-vaxxers. His rep is only 41 and me being at 57 he couldn't harm me. Plus I had more SP then he did so every time I flagged him his rep went down some. Believe me I wish I had more SP so I could flag all of these assholes on Steemit sending their reps all the way down into the negatives. Especially this one pro-vaxx asshole I've been following. He has been inactive now for over a week after I came back and started flagging all of his shit. Hopefully my last anti-vaxx rant got through to him as well as the rest of all these pro-vaccine cocksuckers. Not one comment on that rant so I would say so. They wouldn't dare flag that post. Plus I have a whale on my side so if this fucker tries coming back attacking me a 2nd time I will contact this person for help. For now I think I am fine. I think they realized that trying to attack my ass was a suicide mission.


Be it a pro vax, anti 2A, or the socialist social media sites with the censorship.

I will always side with freedom.

These CONTROL FREAKS think that they can control us.......

Not gonna happen..

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks 4 the info.

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No problem @krazzytrukker :-).

I actually almost left Steemit myself 6 months ago. I posted an angry FUCK Steemit rant and everything. I took a month off and decided to come back and when I did I decided I'm coming back with vengeance! Fuck all these lawless abiding faktriots and shitizens on Steemit. I'm not holding out like I was. I started unfollowing pretty much everyone muting several people who were associated with one of the groups that kicked me out last year for being too radical. Now I just keep to myself using my own tags and rarely mentioning anyone unless I personally am interacting with them. I've unfollowed people due to them being inactive too. I really only wish to follow people that I interact with. I refuse to join groups too. I realize someone like myself is too radical to join groups or have any functioning social life really.

Howdy sir krazzytrukker! yeah I get downvoted by that account but like hippie said that's nothin. I get 15 to 20 actual downvotes almost everyday that do carry weight!
But if you start getting hit you can to to curatorhulk who will come support you.

Where you at today and what's the itinerary?

Who in the hell would downvote your post?? That is even more assinine than downvoting a krazzy kitty post.

So this downvoting thing is pretty common by the sounds of it?

Like i said, creepy nerds in mommies basement, they would never downvote to our face in person. Keyboard Cowards.

I am in Van Horn TX. I had Delivered in Odessa TX. At at the Family Dollar distribution center. Ran out my clock to move closer to El Paso.

Now i sleep.... lol

Posted using Partiko Android

haha! Howdy sir krazzytrukker! About those downvotes, do you know who bernie sanders is on here? He's famous for it. What happened was...a good guy, fulltimegeek visited the big contest called The Engagement League, (of which I have been the world champion in the top spot every week for many months now but I quit last week because I have so much work around the house to do) and decided to reward some of the top engagers by sending his upvote bots on our comments.

However, bernie sanders is his enemy so bernie sent HIS downvote bots to negate the good upvote bots of fulltimegeek! lol.

It's nuts. so all of us have been having this voting bot war on our comments and posts and we're caught in the middle. Most of us have never heard of either of these guys! They've been battling for at least 2 years. They're whales with tons of sp. I think bernie has like 23,000 sp and loves to go after people.

I have a friend and bernies been totally downvoting every single one of his posts, and this guy posts like 6 posts each day, and bernie hates him so much because this guy is a conservative and bernie is a socialist so he's been trying to destroy his account. He did that with so many flags and downvotes that my friend's posts were disappearing. Just because he didn't like a conservative.

They need to change steemit and make it so people can't hurt each other financially like that. It's not a free and open forum like it should be. You have to be very careful or you might make the wrong whale mad at you. Lots of people have gone to Weku and Whaleshares because that doesn't happen there.

So that's what's going on, it's nothing personal against me, it's the crazy bot war between those guys.

I had to look up Van Horn to see where it was. I haven't been out that way, is that where all the oil fields are?

Well howdy Jonboy! Thanks for the info regarding Bernie. Because of Bernie @squirrelbait left. She got caught up with him and his bots so she left. You are right! This stuff like this needs to change on Steemit. We need to be able to block people so they can't constantly stalk you flagging every one of your posts over and over every time you try to post something starting all these flag wars. I hate these bots. I hate that most of these accounts on Steemit are bots even more so. Steemit should be rigged so there can be no bot accounts. I thought that is what these really long passwords were for anyways?

Howdy to you sir Rainbow man! I couldn't agree more. I don't know if they'll change the system but they need to because it's censorship and it's driving good people away like squirrelbait. It should be a free and open forum. But I know you know, isn't that one of the reasons you left the first time? All these stupid bots and bullies? I don't even think they should have the downvoting function. If someone doesn't like what you have to say then they don't have to read it.

It all is starting to make sense now. I will avoid all that creepy BSlanders type stuff best that i can. It is sad tho, cuz i enjoy some of the peoples posts that they attack. And i am afraid to upvote it for fear of the Basement Dweller Cowards Attacking Me..?!!

"The Creepster Basement Dwelling Keyboard Cowards"

They are why I came over here to Steem. To get away from them on the socialist fecesbook/twatter type sites, they attack on the computer, but will never show who they are. They hide in fear.

They will never show when you give them a time and place to do it in person.

Guess I thought it would be diff here on Steem? Why does Steem even have BOTS..? I am using one now tho, It was recommended by @curatorcat. It is @dustsweeper

I have seen what the BSlanders Creepazoid Coward was doing to Lyndsaybows (not @ signing her, as the creep attacks even her friends)

The Low I.Q. level of attack, with the porn photos and such was sickening. Why do they let it go on here? Can they not DELETE HIM & his "BOTS".....?

I have muted BernTard Slanders and the other "BOT" that keeps attacking my posts. Is there anything else we can do protect ourselves from it..??

A true DELETE to totally BLOCK these "Keyboard No Show Cowards" is needed. I do not want them in my web world. It is Bad enough i have to deal with them in real life every day.....

I put up with these same Cowardly CREEPS in cars (and even a few in big trucks) all day long out here. The same Low I.Q. mentallity. They get behind the wheel. Behave badly, Bully and Threaten. Drive recklessly, using the vehicle as a weapon to intimedate and bully. They think they are annonym. But I get it all on MEMOREX. LMAO.

Thanks @janton @hippiewithagun for the info on the Creepy BOTS and the Subhumans that abuse them to Bully & HarrAss....

Posted using Partiko Android

Good morning again sir krazzytrukker! I agree with you and it's disgusting what they do to Lyndsay. I don't know of anything else you can do. But that's one of the main reasons people have left in droves to go to Weku because they don't allow any of that foolishness there and no silly bot wars.

I was told that they could eliminate the abilities to take earnings from people without doing a hardfork but I don't think it's a priority to them obviously. Sadly. How ironic is it that you came here to get away from that stuff on other sites? wow.

How can someone in a car intimidate your big truck? I know you see the crazy drivers and such.
Oh, did you comment on my redneck vehicles post? I was waiting for you to comment because I can only imagine some of the wild vehicles you've seen!

I see all kinds of crazy cars.

They intimidate cuz they know you will try not to hit them.

Did you know that every year almost 80% of the wrecks involving a big truck are caused by cars.

That is 8 outta 10. And of the other 20% it is usually shared blame. So the 4 wheelers are still partially to blame.

True story, i have been in 6 incidents in 28 yrs. Only 1 was my fault. I bent a guys mirror backing into a loading dock my first year out here. The other 5 have been cars hitting me. All minor fender benders except for the Drunk. That was THE BIG ONE. & ALL HER FAULT.

Posted using Partiko Android

Howdy again sir krazzytrukker! "They intimidate cuz they know you will try not to hit them." Oh I get it now, thanks.
is that the hardest part of being a truck driver? I think it would be infuriating. haha! that's image is both hilarious and sad!

That is hilarious because I used to be one of these assholes. Or "douchbags" rather HA HA. I wrote a story about having my own personal experience like this wrecking my car in a ditch. I wrote this back in January:

Came thru that area. "Oil Patch" they call it. That is back up in Abilene/Big Springs/Odessa area. Just Mountains down here with Illegals trying to cross em..... lol

I really do appreciate the info on those BOTS and the Creeps that abuse em.

I am going over to El Paso later on this #Caturday. There is a Colony of Ferals that are over there @ the PETRO TS.

There is about 15-20 of em livin under and around the chapel. The man that runs the small worship trailer there feeds them. I will also put out a few cans of wet food for them. They dont get "THE GOOD STUFF" very often i am sure.

Maybe i will do a Caturday Post about them.?

And Maybe i will get lucky and find a weekend load.? Lol.

Posted using Partiko Android

Howdy today sir krazzytrukker! That place with the feral cats would make an interesting post! The guy relies on donations to feed them? As far as the load, yeah, being way out there you need to find one, maybe you have by now?

Nope, no load, just got out of shower. Now standing in line for a bagfreast/breakfast at Wendy's

They take points here. So free kinda.

haha! great shot there sir krazzytrukker! hey what does that shirt say and what's the bottle?
Sorry to hear about no load, now what?

Shirt says...: "Castaway Island" (please don't send help)

Bottle is "wrecked pilsner"

There will be many loads in El Paso monday. Maybe even later today or sunday a few.

Posted using Partiko Android

Watch for it. Getting video from last year ready for 2 days Caturday post. I am gonna stop there later today and see if they are still around.

The guy feeding them, fed them later that day that i did. He probably pays for it. If i see him i will ask. Probably give him a little. Here is a screen grab from video.

Posted using Partiko Android

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