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RE: Hey Steemit Economists: Trump Tax Plan is More Failed Trickle Down Economics

in #dtube7 years ago

I also find it funny how so many are quick to judge write off and scorn when really none of you have done the slightest bit of research. Reading what people say on Facebook Reddit and steem isn't research. Most of what the tax plan will do is yet to be seen but what is for sure only the top 5% of the wealthiest people will pay more tax and lets face it they can afford to. Everyone else and i do mean everyone will pay less tax out of there paychecks along with less tax at the end of the year. Its simple Trump has cut spending which means we can pay less tax and the government will still operate as it did when your beloved Obama or your Hillary would of been in charge. Our country did the worst economically than almost ever while Obama tried to hump a door knob like a monkey. You cant fix stupid. Anyway the people on the otherside in the government are crying because trumps tax plan means a cut in there pay which they determine. Why wouldn't they lie cheat and steal to try and make the public think Trump is hurting us all when really hes cutting there pay! Here is a link to some truth!


what you are saying is factually untrue. over the long term, this plan will increase the effective tax rate for more than half of all Americans, according to numerous analyses.

You site numerous analysis I have done a lot of research but would do more if you can post the sites or where you found ling term data that shows what your saying the cbs interview is just one place I found easy information most people could understand the tax code is thousands of pages. Glad more people are doing research but all I've found shows less tax now and future. Anyone can say anything doesn't make it true. That's the problem with social media this site too since I don't put hundreds in my account most of my posts aren't seen. More of the richer you are the more your opinion counts is what I'm seeing with this site along with the world nothing new under the sun.

He has not cut spending. He talks about cutting spending but nothing significant has been cut. I am all for tax cuts for everyone, but if you cut taxes without also cutting spending then you are borrowing money from someone to make ends meet. I hope he follows through with all the spending cuts he talks about and more though. We could do without 80% of the federal government fairly easily.

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