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RE: Things Volcanoes Do part 3

in #dtube5 years ago

I appreciate your honesty. I used bots because knowone gives love anymore. I've been on here for over 2 years now and in the beginning it was great people actually voted and voiced there opinions, now it's becoming more and more difficult to raise awareness so i bought the votes. I feel you should've have asked me why i did this first if it's becoming a problem. Yes if i had more time id go to the discord page or other Avenues to get the info out but being a cook working 80hrs plus a week i just haven't had any time. If you have better ways to help me without buying votes im all for it i really am. I have also asked people to give advice or help but nothing. I guess some feel its the last resort to getting our information out there. The platform also allows us to promote our post, so whats the difference? Is it because its a bot and not a real person getting the bonus curation money. When Jerry Banfield was doing witness voting people didn't care until the system changed so to me it seems a little contradictory of people with influence giving the little people some change every now and then. Im just a guy trying to build his retirement since chefs usually will never get one. Im very interested in any advice you can give in this because id rather save my hard earned steem then gamble it on bid bots. Thanks again for commenting anything in the video that you liked or that stood out?

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