New California Taxes to Pay For Illegal Immigration

in #dtube5 years ago (edited)

YouTube version of this video:

Since YouTube will not be a fan of this video, im uploading here first. They do hate the truth now don't they?

Lets talk California new Tax proposals that will screw tons of people, thay are already screwed to begin with.

This is the truth on The bill, AB 138. This is being carried ouy by Assemblyman Richard Bloom a Democrat in Santa Monica and with backing from the California medical and dental associations and its unstoppable.

It would hike the tax on soda by 2 cents an ounce, or 24 cents for a 12-ounce can. That would raise around $3 to $4 billion a year to spend on "health programs". I put in quotations to emphasize the lie. #showthereceipt
Does this mean citizens and possibly the homeless are finally going to get could get help they need? Nope, this bill is for illegal immigrants.
We will pay for them. Do you want to pay, csuse i sure don't?
Immigration is great when the country is doing well but when a country is at each other throats, its all bad. This is what changes countries for the worst. Socialism starts sounding good after a while once this process has begun. If you don't believe me watch this video

I dont mind immigration hell my dad's from Canada, it's just whats behind it that bothers me. All immigration has lead to some form of revolution, social, political it always happens and actually all the people suffer from this not just the people paying but the immigrants as well. Low paying shitty jobs, kinda like today for most from south of the border. Now triple that and now its everyone doing jobs they believe are beneath them.

Its a game that's rigged and we all know it deep down inside.
Can and will we do something about it.
Every wonder why politicians have other jobs? Its to get and stay rich by using tax loopholes. Haliburton and Cheney, Trump or even Democrats do this with foundations and charities. Think Clinton' foundation and Haitians not getting the money they collected for them.
These new taxes are to break the middle class amd to create a working class and a ruling class. Its how Socialism works. Its how authoritarianism works.
Its how the Kings and Queens of old did shit and its why we have celebrities today. They are idolized to prep you into believing others are better than you.

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YOUR VOICE WILL BE HEARD. Let's forget the blockchain on this one.

●Do you want more or less taxes?
○Do you want more of less government in your life?

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