in #dtube5 years ago

Hi DTube family.
Today I want to share with you how we are celebrating Christmas. As you might know, I am German and we live here in Barcelona. Because of that, the different Christmas traditions are getting combined and our kids are enjoying the best out of it.
If you would like to know more about how we are celebrating, please watch the video.
I am curious about how you are celebrating! So please let me know in the comments below or create a video response, telling us about your Christmas celebration!
Thank you very much for watching. I wish you a wonderful day!

Love from Barcelona

▶️ DTube
Posted with @steem-plus

Greetings, hauptmann

I think the cultural "union" between these two countries is very interesting when celebrating Christmas, because, as you showed in the video, your children can learn the good part of the 2 places. This is very interesting, can grow with more culture and more empathy to understand the differences of the culture of others.

Thank you and good evening!

That's so great thank you for sharing this good post

Santa Clause? Who is this man you speak of? Just joking. :). That build up with the calendar is awesome. It's coming fast. You have some very nice traditions. Enjoy your continued Christmas celebration. Cheers.

Enjoy your Christmas my dear friend and my best wishes for you

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, advent calendar is so much fun specially everyday you will get something from it. Everyone is in mood of festive and excited in holiday season. Enjoy your holiday. very interesting to know about your celebration.

Everyone enjoy Christmas but it's specially enjoyed by children,

Posted using Partiko Android

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@hauptmann, Thank you so much for letting us know the way and how you are celebrating the Christmas and in my opinion in some cases the diversificsion adds the beauty for sure. Hope that you'll are having the great times.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

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