You Asked For It... So Here Is My Herb & Flower Garden Area (DTube video)

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

So this morning I took a quick stroll checking and doing an inventory of sorts in the herb and flower garden area; and I thought, Hey, people have been asking about the herbs and flower area... so why not do a short video of what I have and how it looks...

This is only about a two-and-a-half minute video tour, but it gives you an idea of the small area that I am working with but am able to utilize every square inch.

I have other herbs divided up between the two greenhouses; more mint, the new crop of catnip, parsley, a new crop of tarragon, more sage, marjoram, chervil, ginger and turmeric. All (but the ginger and turmeric) will be added to the main herb garden area later this summer once the roots take better and I have cleared out some unwanted weeds in the ground. Kind of my plan over the next week is to weed and get the herb garden bed ready for transplanting



Plus I have basil in the back with the lettuce, spinach and arugula.




▶️ DTube

Love the garden! Everything looks so healthy. I think you have done an excellent job in getting all those plants into a small area!

It took a lot of planning... but I think I have all the companions by one another.

It is a lot of work and planning but it is so worth it!

Oh soo lovely. It made me smile. Im jealous @goldendawne. Thats one of my dream to have open garden full of herbs. Thank you for sharing. Xx

You're welcome!
I am amazed at all the uses for each of these herbs and flowers and I finally have the time to dedicate to my new passion.

My buddy was just telling me the gardening advice from his father the other day ... he said - plant lots of perennials :) They just keep coming back. Herb gardens are so nice for cooking or for teas - we used to sell an herbal tea for sleeping called "sleepy time tea" - Lemon balm, Catnip, Chamomile :)

That is exactly my plan... start with a few new perennial varieties every year and eventually have enough for my culinary and medicinal needs.

YES!!! I love sleepy time tea!!

Impressive collection, this video shows directly you're an expert in gardening.

wow @goldendawne do you have any plants that AREN'T flourishing? lol..they are all so lush and healthy.
I think you have a Green Thumb!
great photos too.

Thank you... and yes, I do try and take care of the plants all individually.
As for what isn't flourishing? Right now my Aloe Vera is sulking... I think I need to transplant them both into bigger pots. They are looking a little under the weather.

Maybe I'll do a video of the transplant then wait a week for an update picture

that would be cool to see..bottom line is you
need more property or will soon! lol

Yeah... definitely!
I was making more tag/name signs yesterday when Mr Golden D called on his lunch break and he says... "what else could you possibly have to plant?"
OH... if he only knew- lol

Mr. Golden D lol! does he know what his name is on here?

oh that's funny, he thinks you're at the end of your planting
desires and you're really just getting started!

lol- yeah.. he knows his name. His name begins with "D" too.. so we could technically be the Double D Homestead -hehe

Yes, the poor man is clueless!

typical male lol!

you can name your new place the Double D Homestead because
of your names and it will be at least twice as large, that's a great name!

I watched the video very carefully, although English is not my native language. I saw healthy plants with clean leaves. I'm glad you're doing so well. How do you fertilize, manure?

I don't use fertilizer. The only nutrient or plant food I use is an organic one that I water the garden, herbs and flowers with once every 10-14 days

very good decision. I do too. have a good day!

You are on D-Tube now also!! Super cool. I put up my first D-Tube a couple days ago. It was of an awesome morel mushroom hunt!!

Hope you are doing great!!


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