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RE: Marsden Rock and Marsden Bay is a Smugglers haunt

in #dtube7 years ago

Youtube is a nightmare...for years I got away with 'masking' music by overlaying it with crowd white noise, or wave sounds. Now even a 50/50 split I get a warning notice...Particularly annoying when at say a dance festival and I vid some one dancing to a track, despite a live performance..poor sound and crowd chatter youtube still sends a warning notice. Even so called royalty free stuff is sometimes flagged up. Found facebook particularly annoying...for example a friend send a meme showing the London Mayor and a convicted m uslim terrorist are cousins has been blocked, despite a google search showing the UK Daily Express carried the story a year ago


Repeat after me: V-I-M-E-O. No problems so far. DTube is slowly coming along, like a light at the end of the tunnel. However, in addition to the still existing technical problems, DTube takes a portion of your proceeds, so it's not free.

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