in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

You can see I'm not eating "Diet foods in the morning" I'm working out for 4 days then resting 1 day. You guys are going to be shocked by the results.


Rule #1 - Eat as soon as you wake up and Eat as soon as you finish working out.
Law #1 - When you fast or stress the body you release cortisol. Cortisol makes you fat. When you eat you release insulin. When insulin in high cortisol is low.

Rule #2 - Eat 6 times a day and every 2-3 Hours.
Law #2 - To control the the amount of fat stored in the body you must control you insulin sensitivity. Eating smaller meals more often and a maximum and minimum of 6 meals a day will achieve this.

Rule #3 - Every Meal will have a protein source.
Law #3 - Protein is needed to build muscle. The more muscle mass the more the body will burn fat as energy.

Rule #4 - Only your first 3 meals will have simple carbs your last 3 meals will not.
Law #4 - Carbs turn into sugar in the body. Your body will use sugar in your blood as energy. As the day goes by we want the body to burn fat not sugar. This way, by the time you go to sleep, the body only has fat to burn.

Besides the rules and laws you want to take your supplements and vitamins + fatty acids. All these are good to maintain an efficient immune system at times of stress. Getting a six pack can be stressful.

Here's my day 2 photo. I'm sore so I know it's working. It's 12:30 and I'm looking forward to these 4 hours of sleep. WooHoo!

day two result.jpg

▶️ DTube

I agree with most of your rules. However it has to be mentioned that there are different types of diets that work for different types of people.

Not everyone is going to find this as the perfect diet. In fact FASTING is a great way to lose fat because, yes you will release cortisol and you will be in a catabolic state, however during that time the body will turn to fat oxidation to obtain energy. Then when you break the fast the body will turn into an anabolic state.

The diet that you propose is in my opinion and experience great to gain weight, as you need to feed the body constantly to stay in a anabolic state and in a positive nitrogen balance. But as you constantly eat food the body will use that food for energy and not the stored fat.

At the end of the day the easiest way to lose WEIGHT is being in a caloric deficit (burn more than what you eat) but if you want to lose FAT it's going to take a customised diet. Examples are ketogenic diet (where you eat no carbs and the body uses fats for energy), fasting or carb rotation (different days have different carbs amounts).

It comes down to preference and effectiveness among people.

Hope you all find this useful, if you want more info I am a PT and nutritionist :)

Thank you for this message Giulio!

I totally agree with you. I'm taking a little bit of all your concepts here and combining it in the way that works for me. I'm one of the lucky ones that know what works for them. You are right, there isn't a one size fits all. Thanks for the wake up call. I'll shout you out on my next video. Dont want to take away anything from the pros like yourself. One thing I know for sure, and you'll agree with me, the secret key is documenting your progress and sharing it. If you have to face the camera and show it off to the world, you will surprise everyone, almost guaranteeing success.

Yea just like Rome wasn't built in a day, the same goes for the body it takes time and patience. For sure committing to sharing your journey will also push you further to continue :)

Wow, I had no idea that Eat as soon as you wake up and Eat as soon as you finish working out. Thanks for sharing, would start it

Oh yeah. The meal after a work out is often called "The window of opportunity"

This is totally awesome!

I'm going to put in the extra touch on all my posts thanks to you.

wow its true .i will follow your step .. will bit you.....

I am happy to be friends with you in steemet,
Warm regards..
By @ Kani77

Excellent video brother... I was thinking of doing a similar video but I realized today I couldn’t do it as well as you. Amazing dedication and energy, I’ve never had a six pack and you are showing the level of commitment required, perfect!

Thank you @cartel!

My modo is Do the thing and you'll have the power! It is alot of work. The only way I'm going to have time for this is to wake up at 4:30 most days. Two days in a row I finished at midnight. That can't last forever. I'm also loving your videos and the blue screen action. Also admire your dedication brother.

Thanks for the shout out bro!

Way to go Gabby, getting a sixpack is not easy though. It's all about the discipline, motivation and working out every week... I always get lazy after a certain period of time! Lol

Love your lifestyle though; keeping priorities but also working on your fitness.


Thank you @maxdigi!

I've done it twice before so lucky for me I know the exact steps to take. Making a progress series on you dtube is the glue that will keep the decipline together. Don't want to face the camera without results to share. Thanks again for your support in the little time we've both been here. Here's to our success!

ahaa, i really thought press ups and jugging are the major 6 pack build ups, i am still not seeing results, i think now i know why. I'll follow your instructions to see if i can get positive result.

There are periods I go through when I don't incorporate the diet and I get 0 results evan though I'm killing myself at the gym. Thanks for the comment.

Everything sounds fine except for fasting can increase the amount of cortisol. Our cortisol are high in the morning can be partly due to not having anything for a few hours but most of the case, it is not so. You should know that to sleep, we need melatonin and to wake up we need a sufficient level of cortisol enough to woke us up. That's why if people have depression they will be having early awakening (it's hard for the to sleep and hard to stay asleep). If you want to control the level of cortisol in the morning, eating is just one of the way to do it but it's not the only way. Exercise and meditate can reduce cortisol much better in that sense. Fasting will not make your cortisol increase that much or else, intermittent fasting (16 hours fast - 8 hours eat) will not be one of the famous way to lose weight. Insulin is an anabolic hormones, and it's one of the cause of weight gain among people so the key is to control that.

I think we're on the same page. Thank you for this comment.

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