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RE: The Time Is Now

in #dtube5 years ago

Hey dan I’ve followed you to steem (stalker alert)
I’ve only been in crypto a few months now and have been through most of your old videos , just like to take this moment to thank you for all that you have done for crypto so far , are you planning to cover more general crypto videos in the future ?
I only ask because right now it seems your all in on steem which is cool as it’s a amazing project and has a huge future
Either way bud you’ve been inspirational to me and helped me get the right mindset for crypto and how time is powerful
Respect 👊


Welcome to Steem! I am invested in other projects outside of Steem and will be talking about them for sure. I talk about what I am most excited about and right now it has been Steem.

Thanks for taking the time to reply Dan
Going back in time I know you were bullish on NEO
With the recent NEO 3.0 devcon do you still believe and see NEO around in 5 years as one of the leading platforms ?

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