Do We Really Need To Know What's Going On?!

in #dtube5 years ago

All around us there are things happening. We are all a part of something bigger. Maybe you think that the bigger is your work, your faith, or your views of the world.

Today I had a couple of thoughts regarding all of those! I help as a farm hand on a farm. The farm isn't actually mine, and I don't really know everything that is happening, and I don't need to.

This carried over into my thoughts about my spiritual life. I have read, watched, and listened to many things. Is it really possible for me or anyone to say we know the whole thing. I don't think so. I also don't think we need to.

Is it possible to live out our entire life without needing to know everything...I hope you enjoy the video.

Be well
~The Yeti


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In the end, the power to choose is the only power we have, and that extends to our beliefs. So one can choose to spend their entire life attempting to solve the great mystery of existence, only to find that in the end, the answers they find are ones that they chose for themselves anyway. But they will also find that they missed out on the opportunity to simply appreciate the experience that was given to them. So, a large part of me thinks that the greatest gift we have been given, is the ability to chose for ourselves the meaning of our existence.

However, another part of me, based on some things I have experienced in recent years, leads me to believe that the universe is more sophisticated than that. And that perhaps, beneath our ability to choose our own truths, there is a fundamental truth that binds us all together. I also think that this definitive truth is knowable, but that to acquire true knowledge one must be righteous. After my own personal experience led me to question this, I noticed that Noah, the only righteous person living as told in the bible, knew of the flood, and could hear the voice of "God." So I find it very interesting that Noah sounds identical to "knower."

These conflicting ideas can be resolved by abandoning the quest to solve the great mysteries of life and simply living one's life - but living it with goodness and righteousness as a compass. Perhaps then, and this is of course just speculation based on my experiences, one might be able to discover the truth without having to spend a lifetime seeking for it.

Of course the problem is that the world was not designed with goodness in mind, the world being society in this context. Living righteously in a world where our comfort seems to be dependent upon the discomfort of others, is a task that takes more courage than anything else I can conjure in my imagination. This has reminded me, however, of how much I want to try - so thank you very, very much.

Wow that was great! I love that you have put so much thought into this. It is always tricky to think about what we need Be Well!

Thank you. I tend to think deeply about a lot of things, and yet some of what seems like the most significant revelations arrive at the times when I am thinking of nothing at all.

Interesting how well that observation parallels my previous comment.

Have a great night, and thanks again for the inspiration.

This is just an idea but is it possible that none of our mind's are righteous @lordless.exile.. none.. not even 1?

Well I think it depends on what righteous truly means. If it means making the right choices every time, then probably none of us are righteous. If it means doing our best to try and make the right choices, then there may be a handful out there.

But I would sooner go with your idea, that there is not one righteous among us. I think that Jesus is an example of what a single person can become should they ever live up to their true potential and walk in complete righteousness. So while I don't think any living are likely to be righteous now, I do indeed think that each and every one of us has the potential to be.

If you were to do the things Christ told his followers and the bystanders to do:

  1. Give all your money to the poor.
  2. Pray in secret.
  3. Turn the other cheek.
  4. Give to those who ask.
  5. Do unto others what you'd have them do unto you.
  6. Believe that whatever you desire + believe will happen (Faith).

I think you'd find that the mind of Christ was no different from ours.. at least if the version of events is taken literally.

He had mastered Faith to the extent that he realized his experiences were the result of his Greatest Desire & Greatest Belief and might have been good at Mindfulness, but judging by the literal version of events, he hadn't mastered and may not have even been aware of:

  1. Self-realization
  2. Enlightenment



I think it's simpler than that. It's just;

Do unto others what you'd have them do unto you.

This golden rule encapsulates all that is necessary to be righteous in my opinion, and if we all lived by it, then the world would be far, far better.

I am not so sure that I agree with your definitions of self-realisation or enlightenment. Perhaps he hadn't mastered these things because they aren't a thing, or, perhaps he had mastered them but defined them in such a different way, that to you, it seems he had not.

It is my belief that Jesus is a representation, whether an actual being who lived or not, of a human being who has lived up to their full potential.

For me, Jesus Christ, historical or not represents a human mind that lived to it's full potential and that is a mastery over Faith which ultimately results in the creation of an equal amount of Enjoyment & Hardship (sometimes separated over time), hence his idea of calling forth a Heaven with an equal opposite called Hell.

If a person did what he told his disciples and others to do they would experience what he did and ultimately realize the folly in experiencing Heaven only to create Hell as well.

You missed one thing besides the Golden Rule.. the other important one he said was to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind & soul" and the people that do (or did) will follow all of his advice to the T or at least close to it.

The one thing I didn't do was gouge out my eyes but I guess I did enough to understand what he was referring to.

There are also different descriptions as to what he was referring to in different books so each Gospel and each book should be understood by itself with some instances of scriptures showing a varience in descriptions as well.

I also think that some people might experience guilt while they act.. but IMO every person's Mind acts in a way that it THINKS is right @lordless.exile.

So if we use your definition of righteousness @lordless.exile, every single mind is righteous from the worst to the "best".

Having said that.. these are just thoughts.

I think your comment is rather self-defeating. One doesn't feel guilt when they think they're acting in accordance with what is right and good. Guilt is an emotion we feel when we know that what we have done is wrong.

Excluding of course Jesus, I do not believe that I know anyone at all, not myself or even anyone I have ever read about or observed on a TV screen, thinks that every decision they make is right. I also don't believe that you do, considering your opening message to me was expressing a thought that perhaps none of us are righteous.

Perhaps it is me who was unclear of my definition of righteous. To clarify, I would define it as follows.

Righteousness is making all your choices based upon what you believe is best for every sentient being capable of experiencing suffering.

This means that making choices that benefit ourselves and the ones we love, at the expense of the larger community of humans and even animals, is not righteous, and this, I believe, is why we struggle so much with it.

The tendency of the Self (Mind) is self preservation and self-interest so it will ultimately act in it's own interests, including it's interest in "Going to Heaven" and it's interest in considering ITSELF righteous (or better than "others".

The only way to truly lose self interest and Prevent, Reduce & Eliminate the suffering our mind's cause involves two things:


  • The complete & direct realization that one’s sense of self (sense of “I”, “I am” and “I exist”) also known as the mind (ego) is just a thought in consciousness.


  • Understanding the wisdom of centering one’s intentions around the prevention, reduction & elimination of suffering, and knowing for oneself that all other intentions lead to suffering (cycles of Enjoyment & Hardship).

I have experienced Self-realization / the "death" and disappearance of my mind while remaining conscious but I haven't mastered it since my mind was reborn and reappeared after about a minute but I understand that my mind is just a thought and that my self is just a thought since I witnessed the disappearance of all thoughts in my consciousness, including the thought that I have a self.

I also understand that all enjoyment is actually paid in an equal amount of hardship, even if it is not immediately obvious.

I am not interested in thoughts, ideas or experiences but the Prevention, Reduction and elimination of suffering:

  1. Reality, since suffering only exists in our interpretations of reality (our mind) and doesn't actually exist in reality itself.


Forgive me but I agree with almost nothing you've said, but you've worded it in a manner that suggests to you they're not even opinions but established facts. So, I am not sure how fruitful a conversation between the two of us would be.

I tend to think that "Facts" are opinions and that facts and opinions both change - this idea is most obvious when we look up the evolution of "facts".

Sometimes when two people interact they both understand where the other person is coming from.

Sorry for sharing ideas that you don't agree with and don't value. Have a good day / night @lordless.exile.

There's no need to know everything since a lot of "facts" are useless.. but it's possible to view reality and that is done by discovering what you are actually referring to each time you say "I" and "I am".

Everything else is just a thought, idea, belief or perspective, including these words I just posted in your comment section.

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