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RE: Marsden Rock and Marsden Bay is a Smugglers haunt

in #dtube7 years ago

My "patience" doesn't matter, neither does my opinion. I was hoping to help you get on as I really like your content. It's a shame to see interesting stuff go to waste on account of technology that isn't ready for primetime yet.

I love the idea behind DTube and it might have a bright future, if not too many people get peed off for having their time wasted. Not being under a corporate thumb is appealing.

Same goes for BitChute (peer-to-peer). I experimented with it again today, because I was trying to get a quick sample for another Steemian (check him out: @vitalmistake) on-line.

It works better than DTube; at least the upload is flawless. Playing the videos has hickups, however, but at least they start. Also not quite ready for primetime, but further along than DTube. See for yourself:

Since we put work into our videos, we want people to enjoy and appreciate them. So, for the time being, I feel we are left with the corporate sites. That's all I tried to say. Sorry if I came across too pushy. :-(


Not at tell the truth I joined this site less than a week ago, and still struggle to work out how it actually ticks, how best to use it...if you like...have a look at my youtube channel...

(opening a new thread to escape indentation)

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