Are you on Twitter? Please Help the STEEM Blockchain Make a Big Splash!

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

We have big STEEM and @dtube action taking place on Twitter these days! Please join in and help us succeed in showing the world the power of the STEEM blockchain!

My znap question

How do you use twitter? Please let me know in your comments below.

Get on this list if you are on twitter

Here is my list of crypto and business leaders:

This twitter list is based on @nathanmars list, where he calls them 77 Angels

Use the bookmarked feeds at twitter each day:

  • engage with a few of the steem posts tweeted
  • retweet 1-2 of them
  • reply if you have something to say
  • check your notification and take action with them
  • Reply to people's tweets.

NOTE: DO NOT just like tweets, as this does NOTHING.

Tweet your posts when publishing

If you post on any STEEM platform, tweet your posts when you publish them.

Tweet your friends posts

Tweet out any cool posts you see from other people during your steemit day.

NOTE about tweeting from steemit and dapps

  • Change the tweet text to something interesting. It shows the title which already comes in the photo of the tweet.
  • Use 2-3 hashtags. One needs to be #dtube or #steem etc.

I will see your tweets and help you improve. I go to the twitter feed several times each day. If you are on the list (see above) and tweeting, I will see your tweets.

Help STEEM grow on Twitter!

If you have:

  • minions, please pass this information on.
  • friends, please pass this information on.

= =
Thank you so much for watching my video, reading my words, and letting me know your ideas today.

This post is for the ZNAP initiative by @nathanmars. I participate in this as a proud member of the dtubefamily777, and I am so grateful for everything I have learned by this effort.

You can do it too! Go on over to Nathan's blog, follow directions and start posting your short videos to dtube. If I can do this, anyone can.

▶️ DTube

Hello @fitinfun, that's perfect initiative for bring steem blockchain better place. I'm very new to twitter. But I slowly increase big investors in there. I completely agree what you said about twitter campaign. I looked every notifications and take reaction soon. I recommend every Steemians must need to follow these steps.


Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you so much @madushanka! I think you are on my list already. Be sure to tweet your posts and RT other people. So glad you are on board, and thank you for the comment!

Oncein a while (read seldom) I read some messages and I mainly share posts over there. That's all

Posted using Partiko Android

At least if you get on my list and tweet your great posts, that will help :)

i will jump on this on. i was once a heavy twitter user until i joined steem. and i think twitter is a nice place for spreading the gospel of steem

I so agree. If you were already using it, you should not have much trouble fitting this task into your day. Be sure to connect with me over there :)

Am in and soon sharing my content to the twitter world.

Perfect! Glad to hear it :)

I started twitter about 2 days ago and im posting my dtube videos there so that others could know about steem.

Thank you for the great question.


Posted using Partiko Android

I'm so glad to know you got started, @coolguy222! It does not take too much effort to get your posts tweeted, so be sure to connect with me :)

I made an account yesterday @fitinfun ... Well it's so a good idea to promote each other dtube videos on Twitter.


That's wonderful to hear, @andrewramdas. Be sure to get on my list. I will be sure to see your tweets and rt you. You just have to interact with me over there and I will see you. Thank you so much for letting me know.

Heya @fitinfun
I was never really a twitter user
Just got back on
And yes, will be tweet tweet tweeting :)

Are you in qurator? I have a contest about that in another post and I think you should be there if not. I also just did another twitter post. See ya in the tweetstorm :)

I am a qurite :)
Yes, getting on board
Here's to 2019 and Steem getting closer to the moon :D

Fabulous 2019 @fitinfun :D

Sorry fitinfun I am not active at Twitter and now I forgot it's password too.

Posted using Partiko Android

I think you can get a new password with your email over there.

Sorry fitinfun I am not active at Twitter and now I forgot it's password too.

Posted using Partiko Android

Great initiative! I have been on Twitter for a while but don’t use it much but I think it is a great idea to bring some attention externally here. I subscribed to the list and look forward to supporting! Thanks for your efforts!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you so much, @newageinv. I've been working it over there for years and used to get a lot of affiliate income before I put my attention here. It's been pretty dead steem-wise, but I'm so excited to see things pick up lately. It really does not take much over there to make a difference and with our number of people, we could really make an impression.

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