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RE: Looking Outside STEEM to grow your blog #2 Monetization

in #dtube5 years ago

Referrals are going be one of my ways in 2019 of monetizing my content. I don’t write a lot of game reviews like I can and have in the past as they are just too time consuming and to keep up with the gaming industry that’s s $59.99+ per new triple A game where the traffic and people looking to consume content is going be.


In the short term I’ve focusing on SM to that end. I noticed yesterday when I posted a battle report on twitter that it did get some link clicks. Which I was quite surprised by.

I’m in the middle of auditing, better organizing and seeing what content I do have that I’m going try and monetize elsewhere or here in a different way.

One of my biggest hang-ups right now at least in terms of using Steem is just my lack of access to analytics quality data. I don’t know my traffic or can even ballpark number since the only impact I can see is if someone has a Steem account. Then you have all the sources of different platforms using Steem that my content could be viewed on . Even if other sites had traffic data google search results are going bring up my stuff posted on Steemit and not those other platforms.

Without something more concrete contacting a company and striking a deal for a free reviewers version of the game in exchange for me creating content around it is just wasting there and my time. Sadly I am only now getting around to even using something like Twitter so again I can’t give a company any meaningful numbers since I do not have any to speak of.

Later in the year there should be a couple of things in the gaming industry going on where I won’t need to make that direct contact. I can just get a referral link to sell to a store. I know there some smaller opportunity already out there. I just got sit down and roll up my selves to work it all out.

At some point I think I’m just going have to make my own website and go all in if I really want to be earning more than just a dollar off my content. To hard press for time right now and other resources to want jump into that realm.


Not having analytics is a problem. Its to hard to know what works and what does not work. To get real analytics for steem stuff, all the app owners would have to come together and share data with each other. So many user interfaces can access the same posts. Its a tricky one.

Making a website I believe is the way to go, especially for you. Im sure you have already seen my website and you are aware that with a wordpress site, you can get stats, still post to seem, place ads, collect email addresses. actually setting up a wordpress site is not as hard as many might thing. I understand time being an issue. Maybe when I finish doing this series of videos I will do a few basic ones on setting up a wordpress site and linking to steem.

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