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RE: Is It Safe to Say "If You're Not Participating in #Seven77 then You Don't Love STEEM Enough?" Actions Speak Louder than Words After All..YES?

in #dtube5 years ago

I can't say I understand the point you're trying to drive home with this comment. But all I am saying is, we need to stop talking about how much we love STEEM but to actually show it. We don't have to all do the Pushups and put our faces on twitter, but we can tweet about STEEM and use the tags the rest of the community is using. After all, if we don't do it for the platform who will? It's all about balance, we can be here and there, but I agree on the fact that it is necessary to have active users inside steem.

If you want change, be the change you want to see they said.


Sorry then I was a bit too confusing haha

My simple answer to your question in the subject line is:

no it is not safe to say: "If You're Not Participating in #Seven77 then You Don't Love STEEM Enough"

My point is, that a lot of people think in the b/w theme when it comes to "do you love steem enough". Love is defined by the people themselves and not by other people judging over them.

I think everyone should do whatever they want to do for the blockchain and if it is:

  • promoting the blockchain on mainstream media -> that's fine
  • waring shirts with the logo on it - thats fine too
  • building and maintaining communities/services inside the blockchain -> that's fine

I think we have many many many people here who are not posting anything on mainstream media about steem but love steem the most. I just want to point that out.


I think we have many many many people here who are not posting anything on mainstream media about steem but love steem the most

That is like falling in love with someone and keeping it to yourself, what good does it do you? NONE!
That's why I am advocating for putting our Steem Love into action.. In whatever small way one can, as long as they are spreading the word.

Falling in love with someone without screaming it out loud is a good thing in my opinion. As long as the other person knows it. :D just my opinion.

I will keep doing my pushups without saying anyone who doesn't promote steem outside is less in love with our blockchain. I do whatever I want and let others do the same.


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