Is It Safe to Say "If You're Not Participating in #Seven77 then You Don't Love STEEM Enough?" Actions Speak Louder than Words After All..YES?

in #dtube5 years ago


Believe it or Not, I threw in the towel yesterday and joined the #seven77 #steem Twitter Campaign Sponsored by @actifit. I think we can all talk about how much we love this lovely community of ours, or we can take action and be part of the change. I have seen some very passionate creators on this platform who are working day and night, tirelessly to push this blockchain out there to the masses, and I just want to be part of that journey and every other that pops up. It is so much fun and better when we do it together. If you haven't joined this #7pushupschallenge then I am here to encourage you, if I can do it, I believe anyone else can.


▶️ DTube

First: You look awesome! I love your lipstick and hat!

Naaah of course not! Everyone can define it just by himself.

We all have a different focus and view on things in our life including our online life.
If someone raises the flag and many people follow and go out on the streets, the people who stay at home and watch the happening have an opinion as well. They just don't get out of their comfort zone or have other reasons to not join the active movement.

I think we all shall define if we want to promote steem on mainstream media. Many of us came to steem to leave these platforms - including me and obviously you too. Your reasons for not posting so much about steem on twitter are legit and reasonable. I understand people with these reasons.
We should leave that black/white good/bad left/right steem/eos comparisons and see the people behind. I think it is good to have people promoting steem on centralized media but it is also really necessary to have active users inside steem what I miss a lot in the past few weeks.

Thanks for bringing this topic up on the table!


P.S. unfortunately, I can not see the sunset as a sunset :D it was just a white block haha

Steem is a transaction blockchain with a very young and under developed social media beta aspect to it. Love a person exhibits for anything or anyone should not be defined or given expectations.

It is safe to say that this video was a subjective truth and not an objective truth pertaining to love and does a great job stiring up subjective thought.

With that being said I agree 100% with you. Liberty and freedom is a major reason why most people who post regularly find themselves on The Steem Blockchain. We should recognize the love investors who don't post have with their heavy or even non heavy investments.

I see your love for @steem it seems weekly. I appreciate you @tibfox and your continued participation on Steem and continuously sharing your posts with our group too.

With that being said I think we removed your support from our group a long time ago only because you were not actively voting with us. If this was a mistake I am sorry and thank you even more for your unbridled persistence and commitment to sharing your work! Clearly your not pandering or fishing for votes or harnessing us for them.

Elsie it is a beautiful thing to see your hustle and fire burns ever bright! I look forward to seeing you continually succeed on the Steem Blockchain!

I can't say I understand the point you're trying to drive home with this comment. But all I am saying is, we need to stop talking about how much we love STEEM but to actually show it. We don't have to all do the Pushups and put our faces on twitter, but we can tweet about STEEM and use the tags the rest of the community is using. After all, if we don't do it for the platform who will? It's all about balance, we can be here and there, but I agree on the fact that it is necessary to have active users inside steem.

If you want change, be the change you want to see they said.

Sorry then I was a bit too confusing haha

My simple answer to your question in the subject line is:

no it is not safe to say: "If You're Not Participating in #Seven77 then You Don't Love STEEM Enough"

My point is, that a lot of people think in the b/w theme when it comes to "do you love steem enough". Love is defined by the people themselves and not by other people judging over them.

I think everyone should do whatever they want to do for the blockchain and if it is:

  • promoting the blockchain on mainstream media -> that's fine
  • waring shirts with the logo on it - thats fine too
  • building and maintaining communities/services inside the blockchain -> that's fine

I think we have many many many people here who are not posting anything on mainstream media about steem but love steem the most. I just want to point that out.


I think we have many many many people here who are not posting anything on mainstream media about steem but love steem the most

That is like falling in love with someone and keeping it to yourself, what good does it do you? NONE!
That's why I am advocating for putting our Steem Love into action.. In whatever small way one can, as long as they are spreading the word.

Falling in love with someone without screaming it out loud is a good thing in my opinion. As long as the other person knows it. :D just my opinion.

I will keep doing my pushups without saying anyone who doesn't promote steem outside is less in love with our blockchain. I do whatever I want and let others do the same.


Push up is just push up but to be already active here prove that you care about the platform.

Posted using Partiko Android

If you watched the video you'd know I'm not particularly talking about the 'pushups' but just the aspect of getting out on twitter and doing the Steempromo with the rest of the community.

Hey @elsiekjay, this is an amazing post with a lot of

  • inspiration
  • motivation and
  • creativity in it!

You have been curated by the @ddaily curation team and we are grateful that you shared your work with us.

If you want to know more about the @ddaily family - then please check out our channel and
do not hesitate to connect with us via discord. You can find the link at the botton of every post of us!



We all have our own ways of promoting the things we are passionate about. Example: Developers time is better spent programming than making short videos on twitter. Not to diminish Seven77 it is doing an amazing priceless job. We all play our roles. I will do a few, but I cannot commit to 77 days straight. You convinced me Elsie.

Haha. Glad I convinced you. But it's not about doing the Pushups per say, but joining the community that is hard at work promoting Steem through that challenge. You can just Tweet about Steem or Send Responses to those taking part in the challenge. At the end of the day, besides showing people how great and fun Steem can be, It is all about creating awareness and putting Steem infront of as many people as possible.

Ah, well I do that already. Been nominated a lot so I feel I gotta do some pushups

Posted using Partiko Android

Then Let's Go!! :)))

Purple lips suits you really... By the way yesterday I saw your pushups.. I am really glad you have joined...

Hahah, 76 Days to Go! I have never been that committed to anything lol
Let's see how goes, keep on pushing & Thanks for Stopping By.

Well, just think it simple.... Creative pushups are allowed so 76 days not a big deal if you think it as creative pushups challenge... Good luck dear..

Well I'd definitely say what a brilliant video you have here, I do think everyone at a particular point in time should do something in steem's promotion, many people think the twitter promotion is about the push-ups, but that's definitely not true really, if only people can understand, however the thing is, I think we all have a role to play. You're so beautiful

Unfoortunately people only see the pushups, but I have also come to learn there's more to it than meets the eye. I think at this point, we all need to do as much or as little as we possibly can to promote STEEM.Push ups or otherwise.
Thanks for Stopping By & for the compliment ':)

hello everyone. I am a bit behind as usual... what is #Seven77 ?

It's a twitter steem promo movement... Basically doing 7 Push Ups Daily for 77 Days, Sponsored by @actifit. If you go to Twitter just check the tag.

Thank you very much!

Posted using Partiko Android

My Pleasure..

As a person who is not participating (yet), I have to disagree with that sentence, because I love STEEM too much. I guess I´m just too lazy to grab a camera and record my training every day, because I do more than 7 push-ups every day (many more).

The Point is not actually to record yourself doing the pushups, but to actually join the rest of the community in promoting #steem on twitter.

Yeye, I get that, and probably that also pushes me away from it, because I´ve never used twitter that much...
But, who knows, the interest is here, I might start any day or just never start at all... to be honest.

Understandable, best wishes in whatever action you opt to take. Hopefully You'll join
Happy Wednesday. xo

Hopefully, I do... :D


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