Is Marriage a Business Transaction? < Insert Emoji of Choice> :D Would You Get Married if it Was a Transaction?

in #dtube5 years ago

Well guys, this ought to be a very interesting topic. I am currently binge watching on this series that seems to suggest marriage is a business transaction. It is a give and take kind of relationship after all No?
I am curious to see what you guys think. Did you get married for love or something else? Would you get married as a business transaction? I don't know what to make of it, but here are my thoughts on this topic.


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Marriage is not a marriage transaction. Its not about give and takes infant its a bond of relationship that two souls share. This is a very beautiful phase of our life. I am happy and proud that I am married but if it is a transaction then I would have never got married. In simple words marriage such a beautiful relation which starts with like a new phase of life.

Well, I would say it is a different kind of transaction for every couple. It's great that yours is love based, but not all are based on that right?

This is a broad topic to talk about. I'm happily married for five years. But I would say there are some 'transaction' occurs obviously. It's all around the world.
But 'love transaction' can be a good choice to get married.

Love transaction is the best kind :)) I think that is what everyone hopes for. If one is lucky to have that kind, they should cherish it. Best Wishes.

I agree. I believe you just have to find the right person to transact with
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Will be glad if you return the favour 😌

Thank you for watching xx

oh no no no! No one's buying me. Haaaa, What's up girl. Wow. You know the state of Alabama may be the first state to no longer require marriage certificates. I thought to myself, wow....Are they breaking up the institution of marriage. Like because of the hassel of divorce etc? like I was so confused. But, no I was married. I do not view it as a transition. It's a relationship, nowhere near as easy hunny <3 lolololololo. But I see what you mean, the tradition from marriage back in the day was for money. Think about it. All over the world too. Some for family. etc... I think at this point the right person could have me for fixing my hip. haaaaaaaaaaaaa. I'm awful. lololol. BUt i was married for 6 years; I've never been so Happy single. You give so much of yourself and people rarely know how to appreciate one another. We all do it... we've been conditioned to view things as disposable. Long time ago we reused everything, took care of things. Now we have everything to toss in the trash. If you don't think years of that kind of conditioning can relate to how people treat other as disposable, think again. I think a person should be free to think whatever their marriage is, so long as it's the choice that they want. I believe no one should have to be made to do anything. Much love lady <3


Definitely you are not selling yourself, at least not Short of What you deserve :D

I don't know, everything in life seems like a transaction. Give & take. I really wish I was born a little ealier, our generation has lost value in so many things, marriage included. It's not a great time to be a live relationships wise, but perhaps there are still a few good birds in the hand out there. And of course everything and everyone is disposable in the current moment, it's like humanity values nothing, not even itself. S.A.D

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